some of our family still has not accepted our invitation to join our blog, and i'm not going to lie -- that hurts a little. =)
today was pretty mundane. the day passed quickly for both of us. travis didn't make it home for lunch until sometime after 3, and i used a half a tank of gas driving around on cvs (client visits).
for a little over two months i've been going to the chiropractor 4 out of the 5 weekdays. i must admit, it's getting a little wearing at this point, but i think my back is finally beginning to feel more normal. i had a slipped disk -- one of the most painful experiences. i suggest you avoid it at all cost. =)
this evening we had planned to drive to muskogee so that travis could get his mail, but instead spent the evening at home. he has to go there for leagues on thursday; then we'll be driving to edmond this friday for the holiday, so we thought it best we stay home. he baked a pizza, we watched a little of the bachelorette, and then we each spent time "working."
travis is so interested in affiliate marketing and other sources of online income and has been reading ebooks and watching tutorials for some of the top companies concerning this. world bank something or other is the group he is most interested in. i'll have to catch up on the videos another night.
we both would have liked to make the trip to edmond tonight as well. i feel like our time with lou will be so limited before she heads backs, and am looking forward to the weekend. this will be the first year that i haven't spent the fourth with my parents and siblings, though. i would rather it be a holiday like the fourth rather than thanksgiving or christmas. we're so blessed in that both of our immediate families live in the same city now. it makes most holidays a little smoother in regard to where we will spend our time.
we mentioned in a recent blog that we have only been on one vacation together, and my office paid for it. i let him know today that if our company reaches our revenue goal, we get to take a 4 day trip to vegas. i think he's decided to work a deal with jason in exchange for his audio/video system. :) we really would love to go to vegas, though, so keep your fingers crossed that we hit our goals at work!

oh! and on a sidenote, i would just like to invite you all to begin preparing your budgets for our wedding -- apparently, according to travis (and the fact that he mentioned this no less than three times this past weekend) we will be getting married in hawaii. hey, who am i to complain?