thus far the weekend has been one of the more enjoyable weekends we've spent in a while. we left tulsa on friday after filling up the rodeo (that only cost a small fortune) and packing a bag, and headed for edmond. jason (my boss out of oklahoma city) wants travis to install a surround-sound and multi-room audio system, and we've been planning to come scope out the house and find out exactly what he needs. we planned this visit for the same weekend that lou was coming in from tennessee.
by the time we got here to sue and jim's friday night, we were both pretty tired and didn't feel like doing too much. we sat around the dining room table with the two of them and listened to jim tell stories. i think we were too tired to contribute much to the conversation, but it was good to be with them. we both love coming to see them and always say that we should do it more. ashley came over a little later and asked us to go to fish city where adrian works. when we got there, though, we realized he had left work early, so we decided to go see tabitha instead and grab some taco bell.
i didn't think i was hungry until i scarfed down the wrap that i ordered. it was great to see tabitha. i didn't think we would get to until saturday, and even though she was working, it was nice to see her ... and i think it was the first time i have ever seen her without the boys. we ate and chatted and then headed to wal-mart where travis could buy a wireless modem for the house -- if you think for a moment that he could spend the weekend without his laptop having internet access, well think again.
by the time we got back to the house, it was all i could do to keep awake. the past few days had been very emotionally trying for me, and i'd had a lot on my mind. i actually fell asleep on the couch while travis tinkered with the computer. he'd got the connection up and running and proceeded to spend hours on the internet. he's very excited about several online networking sites that he has recently gotten involved in, and he's learning more and more about affiliate marketing. it's the thing he thinks about when he wakes up in the morning and the thing he falls asleep thinking about right now.
saturday was a little more interesting. tabitha and the boys came over to the house. we couldn't believe how big hunter has gotten. it makes us both a little sad, because it seems we saw tyler and ryan more when they were younger, but we haven't gotten to spend much time with hunter. before any of us know it, he's going to be talking up a storm. i was so disappointed that we had forgotten the camera as i would have liked to take pictures of and with the boys.
we went to the reagans' to check out their audio/video needs and it was nice to chat with carma. their boys are growing so much as well! jake was really shy, and i couldn't believe how strong cale has gotten. i expected him to still be a newborn.
we headed back here to see lou and spend time with the family. everyone misses her so much & it's always great for everyone to get together when she's here.
this morning we woke up to one of travis's favorite smells in the world -- his aunt sue's cinnamon rolls. he says that unless i can learn to make cinnamon rolls like hers, well, mine will just never be good enough. =)
the rest of the day will just be spent relaxing, eating good food, and spending time surrounded by people we love. upon waking this morning, we were both disappointed by the thought of having to return home to "normal" life. we'll have to leave in time to make it to the fireworks show at rhema tonight. amelia got us vip tickets, so we'll spend the evening eating more good food, hopefully winning some phenomenal prizes (fingers crossed!) and watching a spectacular display of fireworks. i am a little confused as to why they're hosting the show tonight, however, as the fourth does fall on the weekend this year. we'll let you know if we win anything!
the below pictures were taken at rockets over rhema. we had a great time.
i'm so happy that you're blogging. i don't get to see enough of you two anymore...so this allows me to get my fix. :)
have a happy fourth. let's get together for lunch or something when we return home from california.
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