i kind of feel like i'm in the twilight zone right now ... and i'm not talking vampires. a week or two ago tracie contacted me about helping her with the class of 2000's 10-year reunion. {i'm class of '01} a lot of my close friends graduated in 2000 so it's a little hard to swallow. i know time passes quickly, but i still can't belive it has been a decade!
yesterday i emailed tracie proofs of the reunion tickets. while we were talking, we also thought a blog would be a great idea to keep in touch with the class, especially those who aren't on facebook. the picture above is the header i quickly threw together just so they could get the site up. today i got everything roughly set up. it's a least there if anyone drops by.
and believe it or not, just as i was replying to an email from tracie yesterday, i got an email from sara, kalan, and kay lynn regarding our 10-year reunion. where's my paper bag? i think i need to breathe!
yes, our reunion is a little more than a year away, and {clearly} i still can't believe it's even that close, but i'm really excited, too. and i'm so thankful that they're getting started on it now. tracie and julie only just started. both are in their third trimester of their pregnancies ... and neither one of them even served as a class officer in high school. they have their careers, their babies, and their families to take care of, on top of organizing a huge event like this. i'm thrilled that i've been able to help and am trying to do as much as i can for them ... while at the same time gearing up for my own.
so. weird. so weird.
okay girls, seriously? i just *knew* i could count on a few of you for a good reaction here. =)
I'm super excited about the reunion!!! And to me, it has felt like 10 years....I haven't seen some people in forever (Sharlane, Jessica Leonard....) I love the stuff you did for Tracie, what's the blog url?
insanityyy! i kinda feel like it's been 10 years too... seems like another lifetime really!
I guess it does seem like another time ... but it's still hard for me to believe that an entire decade has passed. Will you guys go to our reunion?
Heck yes! It's going to be insanely fun (as long as I get some drinks in me and avoid certain people)! And I need the blog URL, puh-leeeeze!
Oh, the blog for our class hasn't gone live yet.
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