this past sunday was my mom's 46th birthday & we surprised her with an afternoon tea at lindsay and justin's house. i absolutely love to entertain and i miss having a house of my own. {it's been almost three years now! agh!}

since my mom is always planning something special for other people, we decided this year we would do something more elaborate than the traditional lunch-after-church-with-immediate-family-only. she collects tea pots and tea cups so i thought an afternoon tea would be great for her.

the tea was held sunday morning after church. sierra did a great job detaining my mom while the rest of the guests arrived at the leaches'. everyone arrived between 12 and 12:30 with the birthday girl and sierra arriving last. travis helped out all afternoon by doing dishes as people finished up.

because it has been almost three years since i was in my own house, a lot of my serving pieces are locked away in storage. luckily lindsay and gail came to the rescue with some fabulous pieces.
i was only able to snap pictures with my iphone, so they are less than great, but it was so much fun preparing all of the food with lindsay & justin saturday night and sunday morning, making the invitations and the coordinating pieces, finding the right linens and recipes, and most of all surprising the birthday girl.

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