wow! only four more days to go after this. in the beginning i wondered if i would be able to write for fourteen days about things that i love right now, especially since i was also doing it for the notably noted blog, but now i look up and we're ten days in.
when amelia and i lived together, we {read she} had a panini press. we used that puppy every. single. day. okay, maybe not every day for three years ... but enough for it to feel like that.
this past christmas when my mom was trying to decide what to get me, she realized that i didn't actually own a panini press. i had done all this talking about how wonderful they are, how much we used it, yada yada yada, so she couldn't believe i didn't have one of my own.

it took me a few weeks to remember the joy that is the panini press, but this past week i was reminded, and inspired!
one of my favorites that i've made is on earth grains thin wheat buns.

mmm. delish.
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