yesterday was super bowl sunday and for the first time in years i didn't see one single moment of the game. i didn't catch any of the commercials or the halftime show either! i thought i should still acknowledge this american de facto holiday and mention that the new orleans saints beat the indianapolis colts 31-17. i would have liked to see manning win, but wasn't really a true fan of either team. the past few years especially i have lost touch with a lot of the teams and their players. travis isn't a huge sports fan, so he wasn't cheering for a particular team either.
i did find myself watching the super bowl commericals today online. dorito's had the best by far with a couple of the bud light commercials coming in with a close second. i may have to do this every year. i went to superbowlads.fanhouse.com and was able to watch them all in a matter of minutes. it was great. and, while super bowl ads never seem to live up to the hype anymore, i thought this year's were all funny for a change.
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