13. dave ramsey
you may wonder why i've not posted a lot of "things" i'm lusting over and ready to purchase. perhaps i should have started my fourteen days of love with this particular post.
for christmas this year, travis and i received dave ramsey's total money makeover from one of his aunts. dave talks a lot about the freedom that comes with being debt free. he's not against having and spending money and even coaches on wealth building, but his biggest lesson is that you don't need credit to do so.

we have made a committment to get rid of any debt we have so that we may experience that freedom. we are utilizing the debt snowball tool to get ahead of the curve on our payments and pay things off much faster than if we continued to only pay the minimum payment.
it's so funny. since getting the book, i have heard several exceedingly "wealthy" people who would like to experience this freedom ... and they weren't part of the dave ramsey program. one person was a very famous country singer who was more exited about getting debt free than he was about his latest single being at the top of the charts. the other was a husband on the real desperate housewives of orange county. (don't judge. i only saw about fifteen minutes of the program while waiting for the deep end). my point is that everyone wants to escape the clutches of debt, regardless of socioeconomical status.
so, while we're working toward this, i try not to spend a lot of time looking at the lovely new things i could add to my life. it just tempts me to buy it. =)
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