the gourmet-ness of travis.
when i say that travis has been a champ taking care of me, that's really an understatement. he hasn't just been taking care of me; he's been taking care of me in style. <---- exhibit a. when asking me if i would like an apple, i do not get just any ol' red apple. i get a freshly washed and polished apple, cut into perfect little slices, centered around a perfect spoonful of peanut butter. he's been like that with everything. he goes above and beyond the call of duty to make sure that i'm taken care
of. he's been fixing lunch and dinner each day and making sure that i have an afternoon snack as soon as he gets home from work. often people lose weight when they go through surgery ... i may start gaining before too long. i brag about these acts, but lucky for me, they are really not out of the ordinary. travis does a terrific job around the apartment and taking care of me even when i haven't been through surgery. i am a lucky, lucky girl.
travis needs to teach court a lesson or two. :)
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