travis didn't say much in our meeting with the photographer because he was still sick and really not feeling well. we stopped by tom's house to pick up bear root. it's a native american remedy and had helped tom and his roommate get back on their feet quickly after being ill. we swung by pottery barn on our way home so that i could pick up their registry guide. i could do all of the registration online, but i am so tactile; plus, i think walking through the store and looking at everything is half of the fun. travis is still up for going, so we're planning to go once he starts feeling better.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
31 january 2009: the photographer.
travis didn't say much in our meeting with the photographer because he was still sick and really not feeling well. we stopped by tom's house to pick up bear root. it's a native american remedy and had helped tom and his roommate get back on their feet quickly after being ill. we swung by pottery barn on our way home so that i could pick up their registry guide. i could do all of the registration online, but i am so tactile; plus, i think walking through the store and looking at everything is half of the fun. travis is still up for going, so we're planning to go once he starts feeling better.
after a loooong wait at cheddar's we filled our bellies and started making plans for the day. i mentioned to travis that we didn't need to do it that day, but that we would need to set some time aside to register. the next thing i knew we were pulling into super target. i approached customer service for wedding registry information while travis and eric checked out the dvd selection. when i walked back over, i thought it was just precious when travis asked, "so, did you get registered?" i explained it was a bit lengthier process than that and that we would need to walk around the store selecting items that we would like our guests to purchase for our new home. "well i didn't know..."
we set out to pick out items on the registry checklist. not far into it travis said, "this is fun! we should have done this sooner." we spent quite a bit of time in target with eric offering helpful insight and suggestions, especially in the kitchen deparment. when we finished i never dreamed that the guys would want to continue, but we headed straight for bed bath & beyond. travis held the scanner in this store, and i think the guys had even more fun here than at target (& i came across some very random items on our registry list, i.e. a box of milk duds and "toilet tunes:" a toilet that plays music every time you lift the lid). we had a lot of fun and it's those things that help make the wedding feel real and like we're actually making progress. we have now decided that we will probably close our bed bath & beyond registry since we're registering at pottery barn and since we will need to register at dillards so that guests from muskogee will have somewhere to shop without having to travel. it's a little overwhelming to think that i have to merge that registry into another, but we're having fun and enjoying it.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
dinner with the allens.
we met for dinner at el tequila (where i proceeded to out eat everyone). after dinner we then headed to kaffe bona to grab chai lattes (and a smoothie in travis's case). we spent several hours chatting and catching up. we finally had to call it a night before it got much later and before the streets had time to ice over again.
we vowed to do it again before too much time passed. i've really enjoyed getting to catch up with old friends lately. travis had a lot of fun, too, and was even saying that maybe dylan could be one of his groomsmen in our wedding.
i hope that 2009 finds us spending more time with friends.
ice, ice baby.
travis and i both made it home safely and settled in for the night. school closings started coming hours before the evening new aired.
tuesday the ground was thick with ice. new management has taken over our apartment complex and the precautions that we are used to were not taken. there was no way to make it down the hill. the office was declared "unofficially closed" and all but four people stayed tucked away safe in their cozy homes.
on wednesday the hill had still not been scraped. travis took my car and made it into the office, but he said that all of the roads, even the main streets were still covered in ice. a few more people made it in, but most were out yet again. by wednesday afternoon, the sun had finally started to come out and melt the ice away. the parking lots and apartment roads were scraped, and i realized that work on thursday was inevitable ...
meeting hudson.
while at lunch we discussed my job (and how much i don't care for it). after we chatted for a bit, court left the table. when he came back he said, "i think i just ran into your boss." momentary panic set in as i realized that if dave or rob was there, they could have heard everything that i was saying. jen and i searched for a familiar face, but never saw dave or rob. as we were on our way out the door, we ran into rob! court introduced hudson and i tried to keep my heart from throbbing out of my chest.
on the way back to the office, i called claudine; she and laughed and laughed all the way back to the office ... what else could i do?
i don't think that he overheard anything and [fortunately/unfortunately] i still find myself employed by the addison group.
the highlight of the day was most certainly meet hudson and spending a little time with jen and court. it seems our time together has been sparse. i am definitely looking forward to the next outing.
01.17.2009: celebrating amanda's 20th.
10 things about amanda lear.

01. ... is original
january 11, 2009: welcome hudson.

ringing in 2009.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
2008: a year in review.



amelia and rhiannon often spent time on brookside listening to wink burcham and enjoying sushi at kampei ... so sad it's no longer there.

march also brought travis's 23rd birthday. we celebrated with dinner at a steakhouse with justin and amelia, followed by laser tag, and then cake at the apartment.
===================================================================================== a few days later justin celebrated his 22nd birthday, quickly followed by amelia and her 26th. unfortunately there are no pictures to document the festive occasions.
it was a month full of birthdays as we helped our good friend court celebrate his 31st.
april also marked rhiannon's movement from a recruiter with the addison group to account executive of business development ... a fancy schmancy way to say "sales."
in may travis began a new job at sixbyte computers. he became a network administrator and has loved every minute of his time there this past year. he has made good friends in tom and david and is able to bounce ideas off the owner, christopher.
both of our dads celebrated their birthdays in may, rhiannon's dad celebrating his 53rd, travis's his 51st.

in june rhiannon celebrated her 25th birthday. part of the weekend was spent with brunch at her parent's. the lears were also very sweet and threw her a birthday luau, since she has so desperately wanted a vacation to hawaii.

we spent the fourth of july in edmond celebrating with our favorite "nephews" and the rest of the family. we also celebrated aunt sue's birthday. july brought the biker boyz show with it. we're pictured here at dinner after a hot day in the summer sun. below is one of the stunts.
one of rhiannon's friends from high school, jenny logsdon, found herself engaged to be married. girls loaded up and headed to dallas for a fabulous personal shower and bachelorette party. there are few girls that rhiannon keeps in touch with from high school; andy & jenny are two of them & the weekend together was a lot of fun.
we're pictured here at rockets over rhema. we spent the evening with amelia and bird eating yummy food and enjoying the fireworks display.
our dear friend jen collier also celebrated her birthday this month. it seems we're lacking in our pictures from some very special events this year. a new year's resolution may need to be in order here ...
august closed one chapter and began a new one as amelia moved out of the apartment and returned back to stillwater to pursue a new bachelor's degree. travis and rhiannon moved out of the three bedroom apartment and into a much smaller one bedroom apartment. we remained at the vintage on yale, but found ourselves in much closer quarters. we've had fun making this place our own. it has been strange, though, not having amelia around, especially since the past two years she and rhiannon have lived together and spent most of their waking time together.
our friend morgan also married his fiancee mychal this month. the wedding was beautiful and everyone had a great time at the reception. while dancing at the reception travis said to rhiannon, "so you think we're next?"
justin and lindsay also got engaged this month! her parents said they knew from the first time that they met justin that the two were meant for each other. ===================================================================================
rhiannon started having serious medical issues in july. the symptoms continued and finally she saw a specialist who put her in the hospital the following day for surgery. during that surgery a cyst the size of a lemon was removed from her uterus, a large mass that had attached itself to the underside of her uterus was removed and put back in place, multiple cysts were removed from her ovaries, and while they were at it, they removed her appendix.
sierra turned 15 (unbelievable!) and for the first time ever, rhiannon was unable to make it to the party because of the surgery she had. the surgery was actually scheduled on the day of sierra's birthday. the recouperation was long and lengthly, so the next weekend, the soiree was missed.
christmas was perfect. travis brought our first little boy, connor, home on christmas morning. we spent christmas eve at rhiannon's mom and dad's and everyone woke up there on christmas morning. after opening presents, we went to the lears' and justin and lindsay went to the aukermans. we spent most of the day at the lears' introducing connor to his other set of grandparents and getting to know him a little better. christmas dinner was delicious and then we all met back up at rhiannon's mom and dad's for a game night and buffet dinner. it's interesting to see the changes the expanding family brings.
two days after christmas justin and lindsay got married. they had a beautiful wedding and all of the families came together for the special night. everything was beautiful and everyone had a great time. one of the best parts of the night was after, though, when everyone went together for a big family dinner all together.
we said farewell to 2008 with time at the pool hall and time at the lears'. rhiannon actually didn't make it to the pool hall as she had to work on the 31st and was too tired to drive down immediately after work. travis, justin, and lindsay spent time with mom and dad and then we all met up at travis's parents'. we toasted the new year with our loved ones surrounding us.
all in all 2008 was a monumental year for us as we experienced many exciting changes. milestone birthdays. new homes. new jobs. friends announcing their pregnancies. friends getting married. families announcing their engagement. our engagement! adding a member to our family at christmas. adding a new family to our family two days after christmas.
we can't wait to see what 2009 has in store for us!