Sunday, August 29, 2010
sweatin' to the oldies.
for now, i may start a diet of green tea and bran cereal. {just kidding!}
children's books.

Saturday, August 28, 2010
so what has happened since wednesday? i finished the logo i was having trouble with, and am happy with the result. travis had class on thursday night. i can't really remember what i did that night.
friday we were pretty lame. but i enjoyed it thoroughly. travis started cooking spaghetti for us so i jumped in and helped him as well. i have been through a preliminary interview and then three rounds of interviews for a position in edmond. i wrapped up the third interview yesterday and was all but told that i should expect an offer ... so cross your fingers? why the question mark, you ask. well, i don't know exactly what it is i want to do. it will be nice to not have a lag in paychecks ... but travis and conor will stay here and i'll be all the way in edmond. not that it's too terribly far away, but further away than i would like to be. i also like living close to kate because she keeps me motivated, and stimulated, and on track for opening an actual storefront for notably noted. i've enjoyed living just right across the street. edmond will bring a paycheck, and time with friends like andrea, kasi, and shannon {who just moved back to okc earlier this month}. i spent time on the phone hashing out all of this with kate, and then ate my homemade dinner with travis. afterward we put in lois and clark: the new adventures of superman. we've been watching season one. i love that show! i always have.
today we woke up, had lunch together and then drove around to a couple of dealerships. travis told me if i got the job offer, he would get a new truck. isn't he sweet? ;) we tried to think of something fun and interesting, spent a little time at the bookstore, rearranged the living room, and then rested before he had a meeting with his office assistant.
i stayed home and rested {killer! cramps} on the couch with conor. we watched paycheck with ben affleck and now we're {kind of} watching the fifth element with bruce willis. very weird. i don't think i'm a fan. it was on the other night too, and i never made it through the movie.
we're also kind of gearing up for a night out with a friend of travis's {chris}. travis met chris at a client's. turns out chris is engaged to marry a girl that i went to TU with. we had a group project together one semester, but outside of that i don't really know her. we're supposed to meet with them for a late-ish dinner at osaka in about 30 minutes or so. which means i should probably wrap up this post, "fluff" my hair a little, touch up my face, you know the drill.
have a happy saturday my dear friends!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
perfect weather.
travis woke up at 5:30 and hit the gym. i was really proud of him. i considered going for the half a second i was awake ... and then i was out like a light again.
he headed to work, and i set about being a stay-at-home mom for conor. i put a load of laundry in the washer, folded a load i had put in the dryer last night, and spent time catching up on my emails and blogs. i started working on a logo {again} for a client, but was/am having a really hard time with it. i guess this is what "designer's block" is like ... if that even exists.
we've been having really bad problems with conor and fleas lately. i will literally pick off 60-70 fleas, only to take him outside for his potty breaks and find him covered again. it's getting really, really ridiculous.
i headed to petsmart to see if i could find something to treat our house. i haven't seen any in the apartment, but a flea infestation is definitely the last thing i want. while there i texted travis to see what his plan were for lunch. we decided i should meet him and have lunch together.
we enjoyed another nice lunch at chick-fil-a {i found out it was travis's third day in a row to have lunch there, but he wanted to!} and then we headed to another client of his. it was nice getting to see him in the middle of my day. we shared an ice dream on the road in between the two clients. after i dropped him back off at his first client, i headed home to see my baby boy and set to work on treating the apartment.
i stripped the bed, washed all of the linens, and treated our furniture and carpets all throughout the house. then i headed to the parking lot of lowe's for a phone interview. haha! conor always tends to bark at the most inopportune times -- i.e. when i'm in the middle of a very important conversation.
the interview went well -- it lasted a little over an hour! and i have a second phone interview already scheduled for tomorrow at 11:00 in the morning. yowza.
after the interview i headed home; it was now after five and travis actually beat me to the apartment, even though i was just around the corner. the weather was so nice i actually sat on the lawn for about 30 minutes talking to my mom before i actually headed inside.
i was supposed to meet kate to discuss an upcoming competition i'm entering and just to see her sweet face, and i looked a bit like a raggamuffin, so i jumped into the shower. kate wouldn't care, but i was starting to feel a little down and decided i needed a refresher. i hopped in the shower, and kate called just as i was stepping out.
since the weather was so pretty i asked if she wanted to scrap our brainstorming session and opt for a night on the patio of los cabos with our guys. she and nick loved the idea so a few minutes later we were headed up the street for appetizers and drinks. it was so fun! as i said before, the weather could not have been nicer. there was a live musician and we all had so much fun chatting, sharing stories and reading about the traits of each of our "signs" {kate and travis are both aries, nick is a leo, and i'm a gemini}. we laughed so much and all wished it was the weekend so we wouldn't have to turn in so early.
now i'm sitting in the bed ... wishing i had a bit of inspiration for the logo i need to complete asap and just enjoying my sweet baby conor lying next to his mommy cuddling. i love him so much.
well, i think this makes three days in a row of updating the ol' blog. aren't you proud of me?
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
sunday on a monday.
we both woke up at a reasonable hour. i was planning to "pound the {internet} pavement" in search of a new job opportunity. travis asked if i was hungry, though, around 11:00 or so, so i got ready and we headed out for an afternoon together.
we hit up chick-fil-a, because who doesn't love chick-fil-a {unless you're a newly pregnant friend of mine}. after our yummy lunch, travis headed up 71st toward best buy. we got busy talking, though, and he realized we had driven straight past the store. we decided to keep driving to 71st and highway 75 to the tulsa hills shopping center. we had not been there since we lived at the vintage, and thought it would be fun for a change of scenery.
after best buy, we walked down to the bookstore where i found a book that i've wanted for $2.00! score. we then walked over to radio shack. we were looking for an adapter of some sort. if you remember, i mentioned in my previous post that we gave our tv to amanda. we're not using my television from college. that bad boy doesn't hook up to our surround sound, so we only have surround sound when watching movies via the xbox ... which really isn't a big deal ... but did inspire our shopping trip.
halfway through our outing we received a text message from my brother asking if we wanted to go to arkansas on tuesday with him. we could see their new house {travis has seen it already, but i've only seen it via facebook}; go to dinner; and then see a movie. they would be driving back to muskogee after that {they're still driving back and forth between both houses as they're not yet fully moved}. we worked it out to go that afternoon instead.
we got home, took care of sweet conor and let him know we would be gone for the evening and then we headed to muskogee. we hopped into justin's tahoe {that has no a/c in it at this time}. the tahoe and the trailer we were pulling behind it were filled to the brim ... so i was the lucky one who got to sit in the floorboard. it was waaay too crowded and hot on the floor, so i found a way to squeeze myself into the same seat as travis.
the trip to bentonville was a little long, but it was nice once we were there. the house is really big and sits on a lot of land. i think they're really going to enjoy living there. we met up with lindsay {she worked in arkansas and stayed at the house after work since she knew we were coming}. the boys unloaded the trailer and tahoe and then the four of us headed out to dinner at p.f. chang's.! i haven't been to p.f. chang's in such a long time, and my belly was in heaven!
it was well after 9:00 once we finished dinner. everyone still had to get back to our homes in oklahoma, and lindsay has to wake up around 4:30 in the morning when she's driving to work from muskogee, so our plan for the movie was scapped and we all headed home with happy tummies.
i drove lindsay's car so she could get some rest ... but little resting happened as we listened to eminem a majority of the way. she settled in for a little bit when we turned on john mayer's latest cd.
after we got to justin and lindsay's, travis and i hopped in the rodeo and headed back to broken arrow. it was such a wonderful, relaxing, completely full day, and i loved it!

Sunday, August 22, 2010
random update.

05. next on our list? a new television since amanda got that, too. =)
06. i'm trying to figure out where i am going to work for the next little bit to bring in money, but still be able to work on notably noted. on thursday i contacted my old regional manager about a store manager position that is available in edmond, and then i also applied for a marketing coordinator position in okc. i'm not finding a lot around tulsa, but am seeing opportunities in okc/edmond. i have also been looking in san francisco.
07. i'm having a terrible time making up my mind about where i would like to go. travis and i have talked about the fact that whatever i do doesn't have to be long term -- a year to two years at most. we both are okay with having a long-term relationship for a little bit, but then i wonder if we're being realistic about that or not.
08. connor is running around her like a crazy man today. he keeps trying to get outside because he met a 3.5 lb yorkie named teddy yesterday. teddy isn't even outside, but i think connor can still smell him or something. he is about to drive me nuts.
09. i had a dream about having two children last night. it was weird. i don't usually think about having kids, and even after the dream, i don't feel a strong desire for them, but i remember how much i loved the two little boys {who were named connor and chase} in my dream.
10. i really, really, really want to decorate the apartment, but i've limited our funds right now by not having a second job to notably noted.
11. i am SO ready for fall. so ready! i posted about it on notably noted's blog a few days ago, but i can't get it out of my mind. haha! kate's comment on that post sums up my feelings perfectly! "...I can't wait for new cashmere sweaters, soft turtlenecks, leather boots, and wool trousers." I'm also looking forward to the crisp fall air {after 100+ degree temperatures since July, I could definitely go for crispness that doesn't refer to the baked grass and leaves}, and all of the yummy fragrances that come with the fall season. oh! and fall television programming. very excited about this upcoming season.
12. i'm ready for us to have a desk in the office so i can get everything back in order again.
13. i'm getting tired of making this list while connor tries to share my lap with the latop ... when he's not running to the door and the window acting like a crazy man!
... so that's what's been going on in our world. hopefully travis won't be too burned when he gets home from working on the roof all weekend. update us on you and your families! for now, i'm going to try to calm down my little man and enjoy an episode of leave it to beaver.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
are you a fan of notably noted?
are you currently following the notably noted blog? if not, be sure to add us to your rss. we love new readers! don't forget to leave comments and tell us what inspires you! suggest us to your other friends and family. the more the merrier!
i want this dress!

image courtesy of
tulsa is getting an anthropologie this month, and i couldn't be more excited! some of their pieces are a little too bohemian-chic for my tastes, but so many of their outfits are classic with a touch of trend. i love it.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
blogging hiatus ... sort of.
i've done a better job of keeping up with notably noted's blog, but i'm trying to get back on track with both of the blogs. life is just keeping me so busy right now. i'm working long hours, driving all over the state, and trying to squeeze in some kind of quality time with mr. lear and my friends and family.
i have to go for now, but just know that i'll be back soon {or will be making a very strong effort to be back soon}.