we both woke up at a reasonable hour. i was planning to "pound the {internet} pavement" in search of a new job opportunity. travis asked if i was hungry, though, around 11:00 or so, so i got ready and we headed out for an afternoon together.
we hit up chick-fil-a, because who doesn't love chick-fil-a {unless you're a newly pregnant friend of mine}. after our yummy lunch, travis headed up 71st toward best buy. we got busy talking, though, and he realized we had driven straight past the store. we decided to keep driving to 71st and highway 75 to the tulsa hills shopping center. we had not been there since we lived at the vintage, and thought it would be fun for a change of scenery.
after best buy, we walked down to the bookstore where i found a book that i've wanted for $2.00! score. we then walked over to radio shack. we were looking for an adapter of some sort. if you remember, i mentioned in my previous post that we gave our tv to amanda. we're not using my television from college. that bad boy doesn't hook up to our surround sound, so we only have surround sound when watching movies via the xbox ... which really isn't a big deal ... but did inspire our shopping trip.
halfway through our outing we received a text message from my brother asking if we wanted to go to arkansas on tuesday with him. we could see their new house {travis has seen it already, but i've only seen it via facebook}; go to dinner; and then see a movie. they would be driving back to muskogee after that {they're still driving back and forth between both houses as they're not yet fully moved}. we worked it out to go that afternoon instead.
we got home, took care of sweet conor and let him know we would be gone for the evening and then we headed to muskogee. we hopped into justin's tahoe {that has no a/c in it at this time}. the tahoe and the trailer we were pulling behind it were filled to the brim ... so i was the lucky one who got to sit in the floorboard. it was waaay too crowded and hot on the floor, so i found a way to squeeze myself into the same seat as travis.
the trip to bentonville was a little long, but it was nice once we were there. the house is really big and sits on a lot of land. i think they're really going to enjoy living there. we met up with lindsay {she worked in arkansas and stayed at the house after work since she knew we were coming}. the boys unloaded the trailer and tahoe and then the four of us headed out to dinner at p.f. chang's.
de.li.cious! i haven't been to p.f. chang's in such a long time, and my belly was in heaven!
it was well after 9:00 once we finished dinner. everyone still had to get back to our homes in oklahoma, and lindsay has to wake up around 4:30 in the morning when she's driving to work from muskogee, so our plan for the movie was scapped and we all headed home with happy tummies.
i drove lindsay's car so she could get some rest ... but little resting happened as we listened to eminem a majority of the way. she settled in for a little bit when we turned on john mayer's latest cd.
after we got to justin and lindsay's, travis and i hopped in the rodeo and headed back to broken arrow. it was such a wonderful, relaxing, completely full day, and i loved it!

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