well after a three-week long headache, i headed into urgent care today. i've been traveling to houston quite a bit over the past couple of weeks, so i haven't been in town to get into see the doctor during the week.
it wasn't one of the worst headaches i've had, but after having a headache every.single.day for three weeks, i just couldn't take it any more. i start to feel completely worn down, worn out, and exhausted, mentally and physically. so, to the local urgent care i headed this fine saturday morning.
sometimes travis and i get completely fed up with the urgent care by our house -- they're the doctors who kept telling travis he was constipated and that a laxative would help. they also said they couldn't see anything in his mouth when he kept complaining of terrible pain in the back of his throat. when we got home, travis shined a flashlight into the back of his throat and both he and i could see a really large, really painful looking ulcer (another symptom of chrone's).
this time was not like our previous experiences at all. dr. bushyhead came into the room not long after i arrived and spent almost an hour with me talking about my headaches, how they present, what i've done, how long they last, how they make me feel, etc. he was wonderful. he did some blood work as well and wrote a prescription for a heavy-duty medication that should help my headache until i can get in to see the neurologist again. when i thanked him for spending the time with me that he did, he said "you don't get into medicine for the money. you get into medicine to help people. and if something i do for you helps you, you'll share that knowledge with others, and hopefully make a difference in their lives as well." an altruistic doctor. how wonderful! he encouraged me to get out and look at the sky at least five minutes a day, so i'm going to try to take that recommendation.
it always makes me a little sad when i find a doctor i like who doesn't have PCP hours. hopefully this medicine he's given me will be able to break this headache, and i can start to feel a little better.
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