tonight we all met up for girls' dinner. i say all, but kate actually wasn't able to join us -- the duties of work called. jen, teah, and i met up at wolfgang puck's on brookside as planned. i was a nervous wreck by the time i got there. it snowed and iced earlier this week, but my car always does pretty well in it so i don't mind terribly to get out in it. i had worked from home that day, however, and a lot of to-dos came through my email at 4:25, so i was rushing around like a crazy person trying to get ready for dinner. i was looking frantically for my keys {i usually keep them in one of three places}. i then realized travis's keys were in the cabinet where we keep our keys. he has class on thursday nights, and forgetting that i had dinner with the girls tonight, he had taken my car because it does better in the winter conditions than his truck.
i wasn't going to, but finally decided to take his truck. on the way to the restaurant i kept feeling i had made a big mistake. huge. his sterring wheel has a lot more play it in than mine, so i wasn't able to tell if i was slipping on ice or if it was just the steering wheel . travis's truck is also a standard, so i cringed when another car pulled up too closely to me at a stoplight on a hill. yikes! i just knew i was was going crash into him as i let off the brake and pushed on the gas. i made it through okay, but i don't remember the last time i have been so ready to get out of a car.
jen and teah were already a couple of drinks in when i arrived and laughed to hear the abridged version of my trip to dinner. and i couldn't agree more when they told me i needed a drink. we moved away from the bar and settled in to our booth. we were having so much fun catching up on one another's lives that it took forever for us to order. it was such a good night.
i'm so glad we followed through on our idea to do this ... and i hope we follow through as the months go on. i feel like life is passing us by so quickly, and i don't want us to all miss out on one another's lifes while we're caught up in the daily grind.
i can't wait until next month!
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