i really did start laughing immediately. on my way home, i received a message from facebook that andrea and jenny had both commented on my wall. {i love getting comments}. when i logged in, this is what i saw:

i called andrea, again cracking up. she couldn't talk, but heard me laugh anyway as soon as she picked up the phone. when she called me back she said she kept checking the blog all day thinking, maybe i was updating right.at.that.moment. i love her.
so , here you are my friends. a new blog post. wasn't it entertaining? =)
YES!!!!!! I only checked once today and I was rewarded. Your other friends probably feel sorry for me after they read this post. I clearly do not have a life.
YES!!!!! :D
This was a "yes" to the fact that I was totally entertained by this post... not that I feel sorry for Andrea.... :)
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