after i got to andy's we picked up her good friend kat from college and the three of us headed to dallas for jenny's bachelorette party. jenny is another friend of mine and andy's from high school. we had a good time catching up, but the trip to dallas couldn't have been longer! once we got there we picked up leah, one of their friends from college, at the airport ... only to find ourselves at the wrong airport. she was flying in from one airport and flying out of the other, which explains the confusion. we made it to jenny's sometime after 1 in the morning, i believe, and we stayed the night. the next morning andrea and i woke up, went shopping, and headed to hotel zaza. it was beautiful!
we got everything set up for the party and kat and jen and most of the other girls had arrived by that time. kat helped us finish setting up and everyone came upstairs. everyone was so impressed with the hotel -- way to go andy!!! lil wayne was staying there the same weekend, but we just saw his crew. we had jen's lingerie shower where she received lots of cute things and then we went to dinner & out on the town for a bit. i was thankful that no one got too wild and crazy.

we took this picture right before going out. i kept saying all weekend how interesting it is that a group of friends can be so diverse and everyone get along so well.
i did like the final pub that we ended up at. we got to go up on the roof and we could see downtown dallas from where we were. most of the people were friendly and the music at that particular place was better than the one we started at.
travis spent the weekend in muskogee riding bikes with the guys and getting to know lindsay, a girl that my was recently introduced to, a little better. andrea, kat, and i got back to okc on sunday, and i couldn't wait to get home. travis wasn't home. he and justin and lindsay were all trying to get ready so that we could go to a movie. my stomach was rolling the entire way home from dallas, so i wasn't the most talkative person when they all got to the apartment.

it was such a cute movie. we were all laughing the entire time ... but i started feeling worse. i actually ending up getting sick before we left the theater. i felt terrible, especially since it was my first time to meet lindsay.
after the movie we had to drive justin and lindsay back to muskogee ... even more embarrassing than throwing up at the theater? throwing up on the side of the road with multiple people in my car. sheesh.
all in all it was a pretty good weekend. i used to love to travel, but i have never been more homesick than i was on this weekend trip to dallas. i was so glad to see eveyone, but since i didn't feel well most of the weekend, and since i was so homesick, i was very grateful to be home.
one of travis's friends tron wrecked while they were out riding this weekend. he seems to be doing okay, though, and none of the other boys were injured.
the week started out well. last night travis and i ended up being out until almost midnight at one of his clients. he had to do some updates that had to take place after hours ... updates that were only supposed to take ten minutes, and ended up taking 3 hours!!! i felt so bad for him. sorry baby, i know it had to be frustrating.
today we fell asleep together after work. we've wanted a nap for so long, but usually find other things to do. plus it's so late once we home from work that if we nap, we usually aren't able to sleep at night. i think we were just so worn out, we couldn't help but cuddle up and go to sleep.
we made another meat, cheese, vegetable, and cracker tray and we're nibbling on that. i like how fresh everything is and that i don't have to fix a lot to eat for a couple of days after making them.
now travis has put in into the blue and since one of our favorite things to do is cuddle and watch a movie, i think i will take this opportunity to do just that!
oh! and on a side note, our friends court and jen found out today that they are having a little boy!!! we couldn't be more excited for them! congratulations you two!
thank you love! we are SO excited. since court is lagging on my birthday celebration -- just a few of us are gathering at shogun on saturday evening at 8pm and then the comedy club afterwards. i hope you guys can join us. xoxo.
Yeah!! Fun post. I'm so sorry you got sick the next day :( I'm sure the ear infection didn't help. It was soooooooooo good to see you last weekend! I really miss hanging out with real friends. I love you, you know! (Travis, you're pretty cool too!) :)
Awesome! ....ur not so bad urself I guess. ;)
Ok my little cuddlebugs, I want to hear about the Bat movie.
Opps, I forgot. Rhi, how is the ear infection. Please don't wait too long to go to the doc. You'll be like me and deaf in one ear! (Although mine is from shooting:-) I love and miss you both.
Aunt Sue
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