
Sunday, July 6, 2008

summer summer summer time.

the past few days have been very eventful. thursday my office closed early for the holiday. after my chiropractic appointment, travis and i headed to muskogee. he plays in leagues every thursday night, though, this league should be ending soon. while we were at the pool hall, it started to storm, but we weren't too concerned as it appeared to just be heavy showers. before too long, though, it began to hail and strong winds came up. the dumpster was blown about 200 yards where it tipped over in front of the doors. most of the people in the poolhall were standing in front of the doors checking out the storm and those who could were checking the weather on their cell phones (myself included). the radar didn't show that the storm was going to be too bad ... little did they know that there would be a flood! the storm got pretty ugly as several transformers began to blow and light up the sky. we lost most of the power at the pool hall and people who came in out of the rain let us know that the streets were flooding -- one of the main streets was completely shut down because of the high levels of water. we waited out the storm for a bit and then headed back to tulsa. we missed most of the rain as we were driving home, but it hit tulsa right as we pulled into broken arrow. we made it home safe and sound and got ready for bed so we could prepare for our trip to edmond.
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friday we woke up early, did a little laundry, got ready for the day and packed our bags. the trip to edmond wasn't too bad. we were going to see travis's family again. aunt lou was still in town, and it was aunt sue's birthday. in addition to that, everyone was going to the grimes for the fourth of july. when we got to the house, the food was all almost ready -- we weren't expecting it to be done so soon -- and all of the family was there. i snapped some great pictures of the boys.

fireworks are illegal in edmond, so it was the first fourth that i haven't gotten to set off fireworks. there are several displays in town, but travis didn't want to go see them; it just reminded him that he wasn't allowed to shoot any off himself. instead we went to the theater and watched wanted. we've been waiting for this movie to open, so i was excited that we were finally getting to go.
after the movie we spent time driving around having a few serious talks on subjects such as love, faith, death, and the future. we talk about the future a lot, so the conversation revolved much more around some of the other subjects -- apparently edmond does that to us because last weekend we had another serious talk between the two of us. that is one thing that i believe we both appreciate -- our ability to talk to each other about anything that is on our minds. it's not always easy, but we always do. hope that it is always this way.
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saturday was uneventful. tabitha and the boys came and went and we really didn't have much time with them on saturday. travis and i came and went as well as we drove around looking for something to keep ourselves entertained. we spent time at the bookstore and also picked up some ice cream. when we got back to the house most people were outside working in the yard; we heard that things were getting tense outside, and i was thankful that we weren't a part of that. =) we planned to go home, but dinner was being prepared, and i didn't want to miss out on the yummy food. dee, sue, and lue's long-lost cousin flint was in town, and they were preparing a traditional "oklahoma meal" for him. while dinner was being fixed we went out on the back porch to watch a couple of videos. it was so nice outside, and i'm sad that we haven't spent more time outside this summer. we have decided that we would like to get our scuba diving certifications and may even look into that next weekend ... that would mean a lot more time outside. amanda and simone made it to the house late that night. we didn't get to spend a ton of time with them, but it was good to see both the girls. i felt like i hadn't seen amanda in ages. even though we're not officially, we call each other sister, and i miss her when too much time has passed.
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today we slept in, got ready, and then headed back to tulsa. coming home was bittersweet. it was nice to be back in our own home, but at the same time, it was a return to reality so-to-speak. back to laundry, back to work tomorrow, and back to the realization that we have to pack and still need to find a new place to live. we put some laundry in, cleaned up the house, fixed dinner and then decided to go watch another movie. we've not watched many movies lately, so it's been nice this weekend to escape for a bit and watch some of the ones we've been highly anticipating. this time we went to see hancock; amelia and justin came with us. j rode his bike up and for the first time in i don't know when, amelia was on time! =) she was happy to say that she was ready even before travis.
the movie was great -- though travis thinks he likes ironman better -- and afterward we all stopped for ice cream at coldstone. bub was supposed to head home right after, but now we've gotten ourselves engrossed in transformers.
i suppose i'll finish up laundry and get things in order to begin a new week. amelia, travis, and i will continue to figure out where each of us will next call home. fingers crossed! safe travels to all of our family as they head to their homes.


The Hurst Family said... close, yet so far! Am I going to see you this weekend for the party??