this week i made my bike riding debut. on tuesday night travis took me for a ride on the bike. we were bored and didn't want to sit around the house, but we also didn't want to spend a lot of money. we got on the bike and went for a ride to broken arrow's mcalister's to see amelia, but when we got there, she had already left. we headed to muskogee from there, driving through wagoner and porter. the sunset in the mirrors was beautiful! we got to muskogee, but didn't stay long -- just long enough to say hello to my family at the pool hall, fill up on beverages and gas, and then head back to tulsa. the ride home was great, too, because the sky was so clear and the stars were beautiful. i told travis that i didn't know if it was a good thing or not that he let me ride; he used to always tell me that he loved me too much to let me ride; that he just really didn't want anything to happen to me. i asked him if he decided he doesn't love me as much. ;)
today at work was our quarter 2 branch review. i was shocked to see my name on the screen at one point -- i won the "giant leap" award for the most individual growth over quarter one. i was very excited and very surprised! now i'll have to really work hard to get it again next quarter!! =) pete won top producers (which came as no surprise), and we also found out that if we make the high achievers' club, addison will pay for a car and insurance for a year. i don't think that it will be possible for anyone on my team to get it this year ... but next year it is definitely doable!
tonight i got home as travis was headed across the street to run. i walked/ran over a few minutes later to meet up with him. we both ran for a little bit and then hopped on the bike to come back to the apartment. travis had me run upstairs and change and then we headed to mcalister's for dinner. i didn't eat much, and actually ended up getting sick, but it was a nice ride on the bike. the air felt good.
now we're sitting at home, and i will probably go to bed soon because i feel so exhausted. i just wanted to share my bike riding adventure with you! =)
... just in time for the biker boyz show in tulsa this weekend. justin and lindsay are supposed to come up and stay so that we can all go to that together.
bonne nuit!
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