
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

rhiannon. andy. barcelona.

the night of our engagement party, andrea stayed with us at our apartment. i came home and went straight to bed and didn't realize that she was in my room until the next morning. we all slept in then got dressed and headed to lunch. our belly's were in desperate need of some food. i think we waited too long to eat, though, because one we got there, i was no longer hungry. we had hoped jen, court, and huds could meet up with us, but our timing was off. after lunch we were all pretty worn out and decided to have a lazy day at the apartment. andy had just gotten vicky christina barcelona from netflicks, so we popped it in. definitely an unusual movie, but pretty good i suppose. it made all of us want to travel to europe. travis and i have wanted to do so for some time now. i think andy is already planning our 30th birthday party there. it was sad to see her leave that evening. it was so good to have her around. i am excited about the extra time i will have with my friends as we're planning and celebrating the wedding.


The Hurst Family said...

Barceloooona! Hahaha! We absolutely need to spend our 30th birthdays in Europe...that's only 4years away! Eek!