
Sunday, February 22, 2009

wedding gown shopping {again}.

The Tuesday following my gown shopping extravaganza with my mom, I headed home to get changed out of my suit and into something a little more comfortable. I really wanted someone to be able to go with me to try on the dress and get their opinion, but Travis was clearly out. I tried to see if Kate could go, but she had Dodgeball that night. I had been thinking of Shannon all day, but hadn't had the opportunity to ask her to be my bridesmaid yet, and didn't know if she could go with me on such short notice. Ten minutes before I had to walk out the door to go try on the dress, though, Shannon called. I took it as a sign and asked her if she wanted to join me. She said she was just getting off work and could meet me there. I finished getting ready, kissed Travis good bye and made my way to the bridal shop. Shannon and I pulled in at the same time and headed into the store. Sara pulled out the two dresses, and I also selected one other one that I wanted to try. As I mentioned in a previous post, there were two dresses and both were very different. I put on the gown no. 1 and Shannon agreed that it was beautiful. I liked it even more than I remembered. Then I put on gown no. 2. This is the gown that made my mom tear up. Shannon thought it was beautiful as well, and I really liked it. I must have tried on both of the dresses three different times. Shannon agreed that gown no. 1 was beautiful and would look beautiful outdoors, but she said it also looked like something she would pick out, while gown no. 2 definitely looked like me. I do want to mention that I absolutely hate how everyone just stands around you waiting for an answer. Other sales reps came over and would comment, and then everyone just stares at you waiting for you to decide. This same thing happened on Saturday when I was with my mom and it made me uncomfortable. I didn't mind that they were looking; it's the awkward silence and staring when you can tell they want you to decide. Saturday had been a little funny, too, because the store was so packed! There was one bride, too, who would try on everything that I did after me. She would come get it from my dressing area. It actually became quite comical. Back to Tuesday, though. Since I hated the awkward waiting, I went back into the dressing room and put my "civilian" clothes back on. While in there I made the decision to go with gown no. 2. It really is beautiful and when Sara had put the jewelry and veil with it on Saturday, it really had completed the package for me. I wanted to buy the gown right then, but had to wait for my dad to transfer the money to me, so Shannon and I got everything in order for me to pay for it the following evening, and we made our way to Cheddar's. It was so great to catch up with her. I asked her to be my bridesmaid that night, and I was thrilled when she said yes. I now had now asked all seven girls, and happily, they had all said yes ... except for Amanda, but I told her that she didn't have a choice! She has such trouble with any kind of "committment," male or female. I think she's glad to be a part of it now, though, and it really would not have been the same without her. It wouldn't be the same without any of the girls that I've chosen. I can't remember if I've listed them before, so I'll go ahead and do that now:

Amelia Campbell is my maid of honor and best friend since the 6th grade. We've managed to keep in touch while going to Universities in different states and have even lived together after college. She has been like another sister in our family.

Sierra Leach is of course my sister and close friend. She has always been there for me and I'm very excited that she gets to stand next to me on my wedding day.

Amanda Lear is Travis's sister and one of my friends. She has been there for Travis and I both, and has helped me through several hard moments over the years. She and Travis continue to get closer every year and I'm very glad that she has agreed to stand with us.

Andy (Andrea) Kurys is one of the very few friends that I keep in touch with from high school. We have actually known each other since junior high and are gemini twins. We share the same birthdate, down to the year, and have celebrated several "momunental" birthdays together such as our 18th and 21st. She's someone I don't get to see often, but when I do, we're sure to laugh a lot.

Kasi Crawford is actually a former employee of mine and one of the few people who helped keep me sane while I was living in Stillwater. Aside from Amelia, she is really the only person that I was close to there. We bonded very quickly, became fast friends, and spent many a fun evening together. Even though we rarely get to see one another, I know I can count on her in a pinch. No matter where she is, she'll come running if I need her.

Jen Collier is a very dear friend from Tulsa. I met her while working at the Addison Group, and like Kasi and I, Jen and I bonded very quickly. I'm not certain how we became so close so quickly because I feel like I've always been able to talk to her about anything. She and Court are one of the few mutual couple friends that Travis and I share. Travis has fun hanging out with both Jen & Court and I'm looking for the extra time with them planning a wedding brings. Jen has been helping me plan this wedding long before a ring was on my hand, and in my mind it has always been a given that she would be standing beside me.

Shannon Repka is the last, but certainly not the least, of my bridesmaids. Shannon and I were close friends in college, and aside from Dylan and Lexi, she is the only person that I truly keep in contact on a regular basis. She and I were roommates for two years and she saw me through some of the largest growth periods I've had to go through. She's is always there with a shoulder and no judgement, honesty, and compassion. We're the "Annons" afterall, and our wedding day would not be the same without her.