
Monday, February 23, 2009

humble words

hello all. i suppose i am slightly over do for a post or two. so here are a few lines of mine if you have the time.

this month has been quite a headache. i am a person who generally never gets sick throughout the year. i've been sick 3 times, totally 5 days of missed work this month. my grandfather passed away a few yesterdays ago( please remain tearless, his death will be welcomed. he was a man, a good man, and he is now in a better place). this has only added to more missed days and also falling behind in school further and further. financial issues seem to be more of a burden lately, and the list goes on... yes, 2009 is proving to be a very shitass year, atleast its beginning is of a hellish nature. and now to overcome.....

i am a man of few opinions, or at least i try to be. life happens. we get shit on, but we are always granted the opportunity to prevail. i have a beautiful fiance that i will marry this fall. she has her dress and i my fit as well. we take the good with the bad. and when we are patient enough good things become great, and the bad shit really just fades. it's still there, but who should give a damn. we only live once. live it humbly i say.

i just want to send out a thanks to all. our engagement party was a success this past saturday, with a few kinks of course but a great time we had. friends and family are what make life great. and the greatness of life makes all the bullshit worth it. thanks again everybody, and be humble. im getting married! :)


The Hurst Family said...
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Tec said...

can you read it now?

The Hurst Family said...

UPDATE UPDATE!!! It's officially been a month, woman! :) <3

The Hurst Family said...

P.S. Yes I can read everything now! :)

Rhiannon said...

you're getting married!