andrea has been getting on to me for not blogging more often. as a blog-stalking addict myself, i can completely understand. however, i've been so busy, i haven't gotten to read any other blogs, much less write on ours. the orders have been rolling in for notably noted {yay!}. it's definitely hard juggling that with my other job. i had an order for graduation party invitations that took 31 hours. just. to. assemble! that didn't include any of the design, printing, cutting, scoring, etc. time. that was 100% assembly time. i offered to pay every single person in my family to help me, but no one was available. sierra was out of town at my uncle randy's until thursday. when she got home she set into helping me. we worked non-stop all through the night. finally at 6:08 we put the finishing touches on everything and boxed the invitations and envelopes up. then i proceeded to fall into bed ... for a super long nap of 45 minutes. hahaha.
here's a brief glimpse of my past week:
tuesday night: worked on invitations and finally went to bed at 4:00
wednesday night: worked on invitations and went to bed at 2:00 because i had to drive the next morning and i will fall asleep at the wheel if i'm too exhausted.
thursday night: i didn't go to bed at all. well, i got a quick 45 minute nap before waking up to go to work at sixbyte in tulsa.
friday: i was so exhausted when i got to sixbyte, i grabbed my blanket i always keep in the car and a pillow, closed the door to one of the offices, shut off the lights, and took a 2 hour nap. i couldn't take it. there was no way i was getting any work done. i woke up to do about 30 minutes of work, and then i headed to lunch with kate, roxie, and several other addison girls. i was using lunch as a meeting with kerry to deliver the invitations that had kept me awake all week.
saturday: oklahoma saw snow!! after having several days of warm weather. it was ms. kate's 26th birthday party. she & nick had organized a twilight party in her honor and there was no way i was missing her special day. i was a little nervous the roads would be bad and travis wasn't driving with me, but it turned out they weren't bad at all. i'll do a post just about the party later. a good time was had by all. while i was in tulsa, travis was helping zach {amanda's boyfriend} celebrate his 26th birthday as well. they were up until the wee hours of the morning celebrating!
sunday: finally the week ended {or started} with a little house shopping and then an afternoon spent at the movie theater watching bounty hunter {yay!}
and then green zone with amanda and zach.
it was so nice to sit and do absolutely nothing for hours on end. both movies were really good, too. i just love jen aniston, gerard butler, and travis's look-alike, matt. we wrapped up the weekend with a quick visit to braum's with zach and amanda. travis and i were full of popcorn, so we didn't partake in any braum's deliciousness, but we had fun visiting a little bit with amanda and zach.
here's a brief glimpse of my past week:
tuesday night: worked on invitations and finally went to bed at 4:00
wednesday night: worked on invitations and went to bed at 2:00 because i had to drive the next morning and i will fall asleep at the wheel if i'm too exhausted.
thursday night: i didn't go to bed at all. well, i got a quick 45 minute nap before waking up to go to work at sixbyte in tulsa.
friday: i was so exhausted when i got to sixbyte, i grabbed my blanket i always keep in the car and a pillow, closed the door to one of the offices, shut off the lights, and took a 2 hour nap. i couldn't take it. there was no way i was getting any work done. i woke up to do about 30 minutes of work, and then i headed to lunch with kate, roxie, and several other addison girls. i was using lunch as a meeting with kerry to deliver the invitations that had kept me awake all week.
saturday: oklahoma saw snow!! after having several days of warm weather. it was ms. kate's 26th birthday party. she & nick had organized a twilight party in her honor and there was no way i was missing her special day. i was a little nervous the roads would be bad and travis wasn't driving with me, but it turned out they weren't bad at all. i'll do a post just about the party later. a good time was had by all. while i was in tulsa, travis was helping zach {amanda's boyfriend} celebrate his 26th birthday as well. they were up until the wee hours of the morning celebrating!
sunday: finally the week ended {or started} with a little house shopping and then an afternoon spent at the movie theater watching bounty hunter {yay!}

glad you're back from your blocation - we've missed you! :)
Wooo hoooo!! Blog updates make me happy. Yes, welcome back :)
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