on tuesday evening travis sniffled once and told me, "i think i'm getting sick." i told him that he wasn't and to think positive. on wednesday morning he woke up bright and early so he and lindsay could head to work in tulsa. at 9:30 i got a phone call from him. "do you think you can pick up lindsay from work today?" i had an afternoon full of designing, but no set appointments so i told him i could if he needed me to. "good. i'm coming home." david had walked in that morning to find him in the office with his head tilted back and the lights off.
he stayed in bed all day wednesday and thursday (so i knew he was really sick). thursday evening he was beginning to have cabin fever and was tired of lying down, so we headed out for a little fresh air and a drive around town. we didn't go anywhere particular and found ourselves back at the house before too long as being up caused travis to feel bad again.
i had just gotten in the house and changed into baggy, baggy sweats when he asked me if i felt like running to the store. i threw my hair up in a pony tail and away i went. i was certainly winning no beauty competitions that evening.

i picked up sudafed sever cold and sinus caplets for him and then grabbed a 2-liter of 7-up, because who doesn't like 7-up when they're sick?

as i was making my way to the front of the store i saw the most glorious aisle. the spring candy aisle. travis and i both love starburst jelly beans, but they are only available in the spring until easter. then they disappear from the shelves for the rest of the year. tragic, really. i made a quick turn down the aisle. it was my lucky night! they were two bag for $2.00. score.

i headed back to the house with my goodies in hand to cheer up the boy and hopefully nurse him back to health quickly. we spent the next two evenings snuggled up on the couch with a box of kleenex, our bags of jellybeans, and a stack of movies.
I forgot to leave comments. Comments are like love. If you don't get comments, then you're not inspired to keep posting. So....here's a comment to let you know that I have checked your blog 100000 times this week and I'm sad you haven't updated. That is all! :)
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