on march 7th, lindsay leach turned 24 years old. in the weeks leading up to her birthday and asking her what she would like to do to celebrate her special occasion, she said, "i wish birthdays could be like when we were kids ... you know, birthday parties at mcdonalds ... lol." it was, of course, said as a joke, but when justin began asking for ideas for lindsay's birthday that could be fun but low-key, my conversation with lindsay came up and a theme was decided.
a surprise mcbirthday party was planned with her family and close friends. we set everything up on sunday morning {on her birthday} while she and justin were away at church. the original plan had been to have stacks of happy meal boxes as part of the display. we had even reserved our boxed happy meals in advance. however, before the day of the party, the manager handling our event left that location and the new manager wasn't informed of our upcoming party. a promotion was done the week leading up to the party and all of the happy meal boxes were used for that. we were left with happy meal bags. =/
this party was a lot of fun to put together though. lindsay's sister even created a happy meal shaped cake with a cake hamburger and "french fries!" it was her first stacked, fondant cake ever. very impressive.
looking for the different mcdonald characters was so much fun for me. i ran across old commercials, old promotional toys, and even maps and storys about mcdonald land. i remembered how great commercials in the 80s and 90s were {does anyone else remember the red dot on sprite -- that is now a cherry, i believe -- and the way it used to come to life? it has those cool aviator sunglasses ... haha}.
andrea was still in town for the shower the day before, and she snapped a few photos of the party. {thanks, andy!}
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