
Saturday, May 11, 2013

faithful reminders.

yesterday a college friend of mine, amy, posted a status on facebook.  

"As you collapse into bed tonight after a day full of tending to the endless details of your children, your home, your job, etc. ... take a second to allow your heart to be reminded and to believe that you are a GOOD mom.  You are enough.  You are doing a GOOD job.  TRUST your children to Jesus and know that He has equipped you and given you the grace for this season and those seasons that have passed and are yet to come.  REST.  TRUST.  Take the pressure off and allow God to comfort you in the areas you are weak.  He's there.  He deeply loves you AND your children.  AND He cares about the details. 

A wise woman reminded me of these truths tonight and I just had to pass them on to my mommy friends ... at all stages." 
to many of you, the fact that this post resonated with me may seem silly.  no, i'm not haley's mom.  no, i'm not "playing house," trying to fill a spot that isn't mine to fill.  but in a lot of ways, i became a mom over night.  i am responsible for another human being.  whether she has a roof over her head, food in her tummy, clothes on her back.  i became responsible for guiding her, leading her, teaching her, loving her.

in a lot of ways, i become a mom.  over. night.  and i would be lying if i said it was easy.  i was telling one of my friends about some of the challenges of becoming this new person in an instant.  she sounded shocked and said, "you make it seem so easy on your blog.  you always seem like one big happy family." 

don't get me wrong.  we are a family and most of the time we are happy.  but that doesn't mean the days don't pass by without their challenges.  and i believe that is true of any family.  when i fell into bed last night, i remember feeling like i was "collapsing," just like my friend's status said.  the task laid before me felt overwhelming, and i wasn't sure why Christ had called me to this task.  but then i remembered, i am equipped.  i do have enough grace to get through each day.  some days i think it's not going to last ... that i'm not going to make it, but His grace has never failed.  even when i doubt, yet He remains the same.  i realized i've spent a lot of time questioning one particular area of my life and not trusting.  i understand now what people mean when they say they are carrying something and not giving it to Christ.  tonight i lay that particular piece at Your feet and trust that you will guide us through according to Your will.

so thank you, friend, for this faithful reminder.