again, i've had much to post about but have been waiting until i had the pictures that coincide. i thought i had my memory card with me today, i tried to make a point to remember it, but alas i didn't. so as not to disgruntle my readers, i'll go ahead and update ... and once again add the pictures later.
this weekend travis's "nephews" tyler, ryan, hunter, and kayden came for a visit with aunt sue. this is the third time we've seen sue in about a month's time. quite unusual and a welcome change. and even more unusual, two of the times were at the lears'. if you remember, she came down the week that steve was in the hospital, and then again this weekend.
i made sure to get several pictures of the boys playing with connor and travis {but some how i didn't end up in any of them}. oh well. at least we're taking pictures again.
travis's cousin eric's ex-wife amber also came into town. it was the first time we had seen her in about 7 or 8 months. she was really glad to see the family again and really misses everyone. she left on sunday to head back to mississippi.
monday was pretty uneventful. travis, justin, and danny had league. it was a pretty important round as the season is winding up, and they were tied for first place. unfortunately they all shot well below their usual scores. it was a bit of a rough night. after league travis and i headed over to hastings {we've been spending a lot of time at the bookstore lately}. we were going to splurge on a couple of magazines, but in the end we decided that we would go home and watch a movie instead. we ended up watching two movies. the first one was called wargames, and it starred matthew broderick. it was his second movie to star in. while it was a bit of a cheezy '80s movie, i still really enjoyed it. 

travis told me before we watched it that matthew b. was really young in it; i didn't realize how young until we saw the movie. i thought the girl in the movie was really cute, too. {she was also in the breakfast club}. apparently the movie was really popular, but like i said, i had never heard of it. it was right up travis's alley, though, since it was all about computers, codes, and things of that sort.

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