they got a 2009 hyundai santa fe. there's is a midnight blue color, but i was unable to find a picture of it online. it's really roomy. it was funny because we passed steve on our way to the house. he was driving his truck in the opposite direction. when we got to the house we asked where he had gone. dee told us he had gone to "look at some tires." i guess so!
on sunday we spent time at the lears again. travis and his dad were working on a riding mower this time, but were unable to find the manual they need to work on it. we'll probably spend next weekend with them working on it now that my mom was able to purchase the necessary manual.
while the boys were tinkering, dee and i took amanda lunch at work and then we headed to look for a mother-of-the-groom dress again. we were hoping with fall right around the corner, they would have new arrivals. we didn't see anything we liked {and very few new things, really}. most of the items were from the summer that we had already passed over when we were shopping earlier this spring and summer. hopefully as time goes on, more items will come in. i really think that we need to make a shopping trip to tulsa. muskogee really has so little.
we spent time playing with connor and giving him a bath ... just to watch him get wet and muddy playing with tido in the backyard at the lears'. i can't believe how much he has grown! travis and i were just talking about that; then i came across a picture of him earlier today that made me realize just how much he really has grown. i think he may need a brother or a sister puppy once we get a place of our own.
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