obsession: the godfather.
i. am. obsessed! with the godfather. i absolutely love it. i've been meaning to post this for some time now. a few years ago amelia or i got travis the boxed set of godfather movies. since the purchase, i have never sat down and watched them with him. he mentioned a couple of times that he wanted to watch it, but i always objected. i kept saying that i didn't like the movies. {turns out i was thinking of scarface, casino, and goodfellas}. in fact, i had never even seen the godfather. about a month or two ago, travis insisted that we watch them {even though at the time i thought i had seen them and hated them}. we put them in and i was immediately obsessed! for weeks all i could talk about was the godfather. i love that it's all about "the family." family has always been very important in our world, so i could definitely relate. i wish that we could be the head of a "family" and be able to give and receive "favors." a legitimate family, of course. if that's even possible. michael corleone was never able to accomplish it. the actors are incredible! marlon brando, of course. and then several other favorites of mine: diane lane, james caan, and even al pacino {whom i did not even recognize when we first started watching the movies}. i have a feeling this is an obsession i will not quickly get over.
diane lane is in those movies? i've never seen them either. hmm.....
it really is a great movie. i couldn't believe i had never seen them. and how much i like them!
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