hmm...i've wanted to blog the past few days, but i haven't really felt like there is anything to blog about. i can't even really remember what we did on friday night, but i can remember thinking on saturday that it wasn't really blog worthy.
then there was saturday. hmm ... i don't remember what we did then either. oh wait, yes i do. i started writing the next paragraph and then i remembered. we woke up, took showers, decided that we didn't want to spend the day sitting around the house. as we were discussing what we were going to do, i remembered that it was gail ferguson's birthday party {60!} at the pool hall, and she had asked us to be there. we headed to the pool hall {i said a little
"ugh" under my breath to be heading there again}. travis shot around and i messed around on the computer, looking up other stationery and invitation websites. then i started looking for a website template for my company. we ended up being at the pool hall almost all day long. we went back to the house for a little cat nap, but then we were right back up here {i say "here" because guess where i just happen to be while typing this ... }. we ended up staying until closing time. i got really into a logo design i was making, so i didn't mind. in fact, i was trying to throw touching finishes on it after my dad had shut off the power to the building. it was fun too because travis and sierra had a little crash course in all there is to learn about computers. sierra thinks she would like to know how to take a computer apart and put it back together, and also how to design on the computer.
when we got back to the house, i showed travis the web templates i had found and talked about different ideas and options.
sunday was a lot of fun for me. the weather in oklahoma right now is unbelievable! it's so mild and it's august!!! it felt more like a cross between spring and fall. my parents had gone out of town on a bike ride with a group of friends, so i dropped sierra at church that morning, and then headed back home. travis asked if i wanted to go to tulsa. even though we have to drive there all week for work, we really just wan
ted to get away. as i was sitting in the car thinking of thi
ngs we could do with very few dollars spent, i remembered that we had a gift card to the amc. we got to town, headed to the office to pick up a file that travis needed, and then grabbed a little fast food action as a late dinner. after that we went to the halloween costume shop followed by barnes and noble. barnes and noble was so crowded! there were people everywhere! we were there for about 40 minutes or so when we headed around to the theatre.

it had been ages since i had been to the amc 20 {41st and yale} and travis had never been. we decided to watch the ugly truth. oh. my. gosh. i thought i was so funny. it's definitely vulgar and innappropriate, so no small children, but hilll-arious! i laughed so hard at one point soda went up my nose. painful, but well worth it! everyone in the theatre was laughing. i know we've been watching quite a few movies lately, but it was fun to watch one in the theatre, and in a regular-sized theatre ... not the baby screens that many of the theatres in town have.
and then today. today was a good day. i got to talk to two of my good friends -- andrea and kate. did a little work for sixbyte this morning and then headed to one of my clients. it was a lot of fun to answer kate's question "what are you doing" with "headed back from a client visit." my contracts that i got signed go into effect tomorrow, so i had to get a little more information and really get the ball going. yay!
i have a feeling this week is going to be a busy week. i'm helping andy with her save-the-dates {yay!}. i have to design an email blast for one of my clients. i have to finish reconciling the accounts for sixbyte. i have to figure out the layout of my parents' pool hall website with travis. i need to take care of our books. i need to invoice {yay!} my client. i think the list goes on.
for now, i think i will sign off. i feel like my eyes are too heavy to stay awake. i better get started on all i have to do.
I love you so much for your help with my save the dates! Can't wait to send them out!!
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