
Thursday, August 6, 2009

all things rhiannon.

okay, so maybe not all things. i have been tagged to do this before, but i have never done it. i'm supposed to list seven random things that no one knows about me. let's see if i can come up with seven ...

01. hello my name is rhiannon, and i have a problem. any time i come across a new blog that i like, i am forced {okay, so maybe no one is twisting my arm}, to start at the very beginning of the blog, even if the person has been blogging for several years. i just can't stand not starting at the beginning. and most blogs are not very user-friendly for this type of reading.

02. hmmm, i'm only on number two and already i am stumped. i'm trying to think of things that i think no one else {or no one who reads my blog at least} knows. okay, here's something. my hair color is, and always has been my natural color. while i have it professionally cut and styled, i have never had highlights, lowlights, or any kind of color change.

03. i loved watching the andy griffith show with my dad when we were growing up. it actually brings back a lot of good memories of my childhood when i hear the infamous whistle. i also think of tuna fish salad sandwiches on whole wheat bread, ruffles potato chips, a half eaten dill pickle, and pace picante sauce. it was a favorite lunch of my dad's and it seemed like he ate it often while watching the show. he almost always had a mountain dew that he drank out of a mason jar. ... this sounds more like something about my dad than something about me!

04. i like having a unique name, despite the trouble it often causes me ... try answering to the name "RY-uh-non" gracefully. i like it so much in fact that when i dream of being famous {like that's ever going to happen}, i consider using the nickname my mom almost gave me before naming me rhiannon -- Dani. in fact, my etsy shop was almost named dani's designs. {i know other rhiannon's exist out there. i've just never met another}.

05. i love playing games {board games, cards, etc.} but i hate playing any game that really requires me to think {i.e. trivial pursuit, etc}. i consider myself a somewhat intelligent individual, but if i am going to play a game, it's because i absolutely do not want to think any more. or make any decisions. i just want to have a good time. pictionary is my all time favorite. i rarely lose. :)

06. i have been thinking about babies a lot lately ... and surprisingly, i find that i still don't find i'm ready to have a baby {which is good since i'm still not married!}. i was thinking about it because it just seems all of my friends have babies. i'm not saying that i don't ever want to do this, i just find it surprising that i don't have this deep, burning desire that every other woman i know seems to possess. everyone within my age range give or take 3 years {or even more} already have a least one baby, are ready for their next one, may already have two, or if they don't have one, they are anxiously awaiting the day they can announce to everyone that they are pregnant. i think travis and i will {someday} make great parents. and we still have a year until we are married and can even begin to consider thinking about babies. i just find it odd that my "clock" hasn't kicked in and. is there something wrong with me??

07. and that reminds me, here's something i bet a lot of you don't know. everyone i meet {okay, everyone is an exaggeration} tells me that i am going to have twins. it happened to me again today! and in the past year and a half, i've even had two completely random strangers tell me the same thing! how odd, right?

so now maybe you know a few more things about me that you didn't know ... and probably a few that you wish you didn't! i know they were weird and random; i was just trying to think of things i hadn't ever really told anyone. i hope that you jump on board a post seven random things about yourself!


Jenny said...

you are not weird about #6 at all!! it's just the area of the country we've grown up in i think... i also think it will kick in someday, maybe sooner than you (we) think.

Rhiannon said...

i agree the region we live in plays a part in it. at the same time, i see these women with this **desire** and i wonder when i will have that. granted, i don't particularly want it to kick in, as i can do nothing about it at this time. just something i've been thinking about though. so you're kind of on the same page?

Jenny said...

pretty much, ya... i can feel the edges of the "feeling" creeping in, but not strongly at all