Wednesday, July 29, 2009
fitness update.
tonight we worked out together at the house doing the "arnold workout," as travis likes to call it. he's been reading another of arnold's books {this one i believe is his autobiography}. in it he shows different exercises one can do in one's living room. things like push ups, squats, different versions of sit-ups ... all things that you've probably seen before.
it was a little pathetic because i couldn't even do one push-up! {you have to start in the down position and raise up with out moving your back any}. i couldn't do it, even on my knees, which is really sad {and pathetic} for me because i usually do "guy" push-ups when i'm working out. travis did a great job of pushing me. we had to do 5 sets of each of the things that we did and focus on form more than reps. my legs were literally shaking by the time we were finished, but man! it felt good!
we were headed to run when my parents called us and asked if we could go release justin and lindsay from the pool hall. kerry {of kerry & murray -- family friends} had called earlier in the day to say that her mom had just had an aneurysm and was expected to pass at any moment. kerry and my dad grew up together, and for her to all meant that she really needed my parents there. it was very unexpected and my heart goes out to kerry and her family. at times like this i am very grateful for my mom, and also saddened by the thought that my time with her is limited.
we ended up being at the pool hall for a little over an hour, but it was after 10:30 when we got home tonight. we decided to forego running, but i am going to really try to get us to both go tomorrow after work.
we're planning a camping trip at the lake for this weekend, just the two of us. i'm really excited as i've never been camping before. we both have the day off on friday so i'm not sure if we'll head out there during the day or wait until later in the evening. i'll let you know how it goes.
sounds like life is growing.

sounds like life had a jam session this week ... the first in about a month or so. while it's not great that it's been a month, the past few months dylan and i have done a much better job about getting together and playing.
this week was especially fun and exciting for several different reasons. we added two new members to our band! terry & kaymen. dylan and i had played with terry in college, while he was still in high school. he played drums for the worship team for about a year and then had to quit to focus on school and college. dylan and i have spent much time wishing that terry could join up with us again ... and as it turns out, he has moved back to tulsa now that he has graduated college, and he's ready to rock. kaymen is a friend of dylan's {and a new friend of mine}. he has actually played a gig with us when our former drummer james was unable to play with us. he's joining us on the bass. the two guys are both incredibly talented individuals and are able to follow so well! the first week was a little touch and go as we had to teach each other new songs, but it was still a lot of fun. the other fun piece was dylan's new song. he's been a little uninspired for a while and hasn't written much new music. i really like this new song and think it's one of his best so far.
the four of us have committed to practicing at least once every other week. our ep is close to being finished, and once the four of us {and possibly an electric guitarist} mesh with one another, we'll begin looking for gigs again and really getting out there to start playing. the sound of our music is changing a little bit, and that's exciting, too. it will be interesting to see how it all turns out. if you're interested in hearing any of our music right now, you can visit us at
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
the wedding was also a little bittersweet. watching kendra stand there and commit her life to this man with whom she is so in love, made a large lump well inside my throat. i want so much to marry the man with whom i am so much in love.
another visit.
they got to spend some time with lindsay at the pool hall and then she went shopping with them. i was at the pool hall for a bit after work, but then headed to the house to take care of connor and tidy up before the aunts arrived.
they came over after the pool hall closed and we stayed up for a bit visiting, but again, everyone was so tired. sierra had not gone to the wedding, though, and she normally does the girls' weekend with the aunts each year. she headed out for texas today, so they took advantage of last night to catch up with her and get their hugs in.
today was a lot of fun, however. when i learned they were coming, i decided not to drive in to tulsa as early as usual, so travis and i drove separately. after sierra wished everyone goodbye, she headed to the church for texas. we were sad that she didn't get to join us, but it was still a fun afternoon. we spent the morning being lazy and gradually getting around. then we headed for lunch at the harmony house {a tea house & bakery in muskogee}. i've never gotten to go, and it was just so fun. plus while we were there, we learned that the lady who owns it does birthday cakes and wedding cakes ... so no more horrible experiences with wal-mart! haha.
after lunch while the other two went in to gather up a few of their belongings, my aunt brenda sat in the car and talked about ideas for the wedding and showers, etc. i was sad to see them go, but was so glad that we'd gotten to spend some time together. i'll have to get copies of the pictures we took from my aunt sharon.
quick trip to the 405.
we woke up at about 10 on sunday morning (we must have been tired!). the night before, we had talked about going to dallas for the day just to get away from the monotany, but decided that we had woken up too late for a day trip to texas. we went to the house, fed the pups, loaded up connor's puppy bag and headed to okc instead. we had not seen travis's aunt sue and uncle jim in some time (i think since the funeral), so we headed their way. we took connor with us since he had been by himself most of the day saturday and all night long.
the visit with sue and jim was pretty relaxing. travis spent a lot of time getting advice from his aunt, and i was able to spend some time designing. he was so impressed to hear more about what his aunt does at her job and wished that he had discovered sooner that they have this common thread.
we stayed at the house longer than we had intended and at about 8:30 we packed up and headed back toward muskogee. since we hadn't gotten to spend much time with my aunt sharon (and since her visits are so limited) i asked travis if we could head out to aunt brenda's again. neither of us was really ready to go home anyway. when we got to tulsa, we headed out to skiatook. it was almost 10:00 and everyone ended up being much more tired than we expected. we didn't really do much visiting, but we introduced aunt shelly, aunt sharon, and aunt brenda to connor, and then we all curled up in our respective places to watch "he's just not that into you." i hate the movie the first time i watched it, but found myself laughing at it more this time. after the movie, we knew we were too tired to drive home, so we crashed on the pull-out bed of the sofa ... only to wake bright and early the next morning so we could get to muskogee by 7 to get ready to leave for tulsa for work by 8. it actually wasn't bad (for me anyway since i slept all the way home!)
it was an interesting weekend ... but definitely out of the ordinary!
aunt sharon's visit.
saturday night after the wedding, travis, my mom, and i headed to my aunt brenda's to spend some time catching up with her as well as my aunt shellie. we didn't stay long since we still had to drive back to muskogee, but i enjoyed our little visit. we talked about the wedding some, as well as travis's job + interests.
my mom stayed the night, but travis and i headed home to be with the pup. i hate it when he has to sleep alone in the dining room.
my cousin kendra's wedding.

they thought it was just too funny to see pawpaw {my uncle randy}
dancing with kendra. kambry kept kicking her feet and pounding her fists on the floor laughing. it was the funniest thing!
all american billiards photography.
drinks with kate.
we always spend time talking about love, life, growing up, business, our families ... the list never ends. her sister will be here in august (lindsay, her twin) and i absolutely can not wait to meet her. if she is anything like kate, i know i will love her!
20 july 2009: lunch with beeka.
below is a flashback to 2005 {was that really 4 years ago already??} : beeka & i karaoke-ing our little hearts out! gotta love it!

the weekend of the 17th.
the weekend of the 17th, my parents, sierra, travis and i loaded up our vehicles and headed to arkansas for an afternoon poolside with nancy and wes gibson. with the 14:1 tournament the weekend before (a tournament that lasted 15 hours!) and a busy, busy summer, we were all ready for a break.
we got to nancy and wes's around 12:30 or 1:00 and quickly made our way to the pool. connor had never been in the pool before, but he jumped right in and swam to travis ... then he quickly found his way out. he sat close to the water and watched us all day, but was never too thrilled to join us when someone would put him back in the water.
the weather was perfect! it wasn't blistering hot, but it wasn't too cold to deter us from the pool either. we snacked on chips and homemade salsas and dips. we had a couple of bloddy marys and then travis and wes headed inside to fix a pitcher of pina coladas. after about a half hour, they finally re-emerged.
after swimming for a bit, the men headed off to the local pool hall while my mom and nancy finished preparing the food ... and there was so much!! homemade pesto, homemade bruchetta, pork loin, chicken breasts, multiple chips and homemade dips, several desserts ... we ate all day long! once the sun went down, we sat around with the tiki torches lit, eating watermelon and visiting. travis and i headed back while my family stayed the night so we could take care of our family's lab ivory that evening.
it was such a fun time, though, and we can't wait until we all go again. nancy and wes continue to say how much they loved having everyone over, and we've promised to do it again before the summer is over.
Friday, July 17, 2009
designs by rhiannon on

happy birthday, jen!

thursday: we're doing really bad.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
wednesday: 0 for 2.
sheesh. i (we) have got to get better at this!
tuesday: wohn wohn woohhnn.
harry potter and the half-blood prince.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
back in shape.

Monday, July 13, 2009
weekend update.
when i arrived at the house, the birthday girl's mother was waiting on the porch. "brace yourself," she told me. i walked in to find sierra surrounded by party-goers. she stood up when i came in (that was a good sign), told me she was fine, and turned around to show me her leg. the area below your calf normally slims down for your leg to meet you ankle; sierra's was swollen with a long tube-y lump circling from the back of her calf to the front of her shin. it didn't look anywhere near as bad as i had anticipated. i was told that the swelling had already gone down considerably and was looking much better. i took sierra to my parents and then home to put her leg on ice. i met back up with the dinner party, but their food had already come and gone and they were finishing dessert. we headed to melissa's house and spent the night visiting and playing wii.
saturday our entire day was spent at the pool hall for the 14:1 tournament. travis competed and we were both helping with the electronic bracket. unfortunately my baby did not win the tournament, but he has high expectations for the upcoming 9-ball tournament. it's a qualifier for nationals, and he has a good feeling about the competition.
sunday was a lazy day. we spent time just driving around all of muskogee. as we passed different homes and landmarks, travis would tell me stories about his childhood. i love listening to his stories. we drove out by the lake and dreamt of owning a sailboat and spending all summer on the water.
we headed to his parents' house to tell everyone that the wedding has been postponed. dee quickly began calling all of the family. while most of my family members live in tulsa (except for my aunt sharon in phoenix), many of travis's family members are making arrangements to come into town. we needed to let everyone know quickly before flights and hotels were booked.
travis's friends from high school ambre and chris stopped by while we were there and we got to meet their three little girls, serenity, cadence, and zaylynn. (they are mine and travis's age and have three kids already. i can not even imagine!) they are both in the military and have been stationed on the east coast, but they are now stationed in oklahoma for about a month or so while they await their next assignment. it was fun meeting people who have known travis since he was in 8th grade.
the rest of the evening was spent at the house looking up other opportunities, discussing a move out of state, and being lazy together. i think it was my favorite part of the weekend.
obsession: google reader.
(each of the blogs below include a hyperlink ... it just doesn't look like it on the blog. simply click on the name of the blog in which you are interested, and you should be taken right there.)
wedding blogs:
from i will to i do
grey likes weddings
little white book
100 layer cake
my diy wedding
intimate weddings
2000 dollar budget wedding
a very chocolate wedding blog
inspriations & creations
michele rago
perfect bound
snippet & ink
something old something new
style me pretty: the ultimate wedding blog
the brides cafe
the brides guide: ideas from the editors of martha stewart
the preppy wedding
vintage glam weddings
wedding chicks
{ritzy bee blog}
entertaining, food, etc:
hostess with the mostest
hip hostess
paper & cake
swanky tables
the tomkat studio
the cooking photographer
the party dress
cupcakes and cosmos
head of the table
most likely late
my baking addiction
jenny collier photography
color me katie
nesting & home design:
grey likes nesting
creature comforts
lucky me!
glamour this!
the vintage moth
my friends' public blogs:
tales of the trees
Friday, July 10, 2009
article i wrote, published in rack 'em magazine!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
russell + hazel obsession.

i told her that i had purchased one produced by target.

it had more features than several others at which i had looked, and the layout was more straightforward. at the time, i had just liked it better. now after using it for eight months there are several things i would change about it.
i especially like this jewel from russell + hazel, and while i recommended it to my good friend andy, i believe that i am going to purchase it as well. i also decided that it would be a good pick-me-up for having to go through another 15+ months of wedding planning. it comes in fifteen different binding options and the corners are re-enforced, which i can appreciate (as much as you cart it around, it's certainly an added bonus).
i particularly want the black patent leather (no picture available), but i am also considering one of these:
i like that the binder comes with a notebook so that one can jot down ideas. mine doesn't really offer that. also, if i'm not mistaken, the tabs are at the top of the binder, much like a file cabinet. in the binder i am currently using, the tabs run along the right side, and most of the pages are wider than the tab pages; my tabs get lost in the jumble and i'm not able to quickly flip to any particular section. other fun features? the inside of the binder is a whiteboard so that ideas can quickly be jotted down and erased easily. there is a sketch pad that allows room at the top of the page for sketches and notes at the bottom. i could go on an on, but i'm sure you're bored by this point. here are a few more pics to feed my obsession.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
postpone? {heavy sigh}
i finally told him last night, and as i suspected, he thought it would be for the best. he wanted to know what my parents had to say about it first though. we called my mom into the room and told her, and she didn't say much. she just started asking questions about what the lady at the lodge had said. my dad had already gone to bed so we weren't able to talk to him about it. i had to run him on a couple of errands this morning because my mom had his truck, and so i told him then. he didn't say a single word. not one word. i explained that travis and i were unable to contribute to the wedding at this time, and still he said nothing.
today was 101 days until our wedding ... we had almost made it to 100 days. now if we postpone it, it will be 465 days away. we were planning showers and parties, i had just finished designing a super cute newsletter-thing to introduce all of the bridal party to one another and provide them with one another's contact information, the ball was really starting to roll.
i'm trying to look at this positively and think that now i have time to make things that i wanted to make for the wedding. now i have time to save more money and maybe even do more things than we had originally planned, things i was going to get rid of in effort to cut corners. at the end of the day, though, i'm disappointed that travis won't be my husband in just a few short months, and i won't be his wife. nothing else really changes.
i'm not looking forward to announcing it to everyone. i know my friends will be supportive, but i still am not looking forward to the conversation(s).
the week has taken a weird, disheartening turn, that's for sure.
andy's getting married! mauiandy!
06 jul: tabby & the boys
i forgot to mention that travis has been learning to play golf. he and zach have gone to the driving range a couple of times and then on tuesday they went and played 9 holes together. travis and i went to the driving range on the fourth, and then he and i also went to play tennis on sunday. golf and tennis are two things i've always wanted to learn, so i really hope that he sticks with it and that i'm able to learn as well.
tabitha picked up a set of clubs for travis and had brought them down with her. he couldn't wait to see them. like i said, he and zach went and played golf with them the very next day.
tabitha and the boys are headed on vacation later this week so they were unable to stay very long. while she was down we looked at dresses online that she is considering for the wedding and talked a little bit about everyone's plans for that weekend. it makes me so excited to feel like everything is slowly but surely coming together.
04 jul: independence day
01 jul: coffee with greg.
30 jun: mcnellie's burger special
25 jun: girls' day in tulsa with amelia
13 jun: kendra's wedding shower
06 jun: goodbye tennessee. goodbye vacation.
when we got back to muskogee travis wanted to go straight to the pool hall. he absolutely couldn't wait. i knew we were home ...