this past saturday my cousin kendra got married! kendra and her siblings were always the cousins that justin and i were closest to growing up. i've not been emotional at a wedding in some time ... but watching the slideshow at her wedding {and remembering when most of those pictures were taken ... and many of them would have been when i was about five} suddenly made me feel old. i am always saying that we're not old, that we won't be old for 40 more years, etc, etc, but i felt a little old and incredibly reminiscent of younger days. when she walked through the door on my uncle randy's arm, i thought that i was going to burst into tears. while she's not the baby of the cousins, i always felt like she was one of the youngest, and was someone i looked out for. {she's actually a year older than my brother}. kendra is one of the few in my family who has always called me, and to this day still calls me, nannon. i don't know what i would do if she called me rhiannon. i was so very excited for her to wed this past weekend, and wish her only happiness. i don't have many pictures because i unfortunately forgot my camera! {how did i manage that?} these are a few taken by her sister, mandi.
the blushing bride waiting for the ceremony to start.

they thought it was just too funny to see pawpaw {my uncle randy}
dancing with kendra. kambry kept kicking her feet and pounding her fists on the floor laughing. it was the funniest thing!
the weekend was so fun {and it definitely made me ready for mine ...
i don't know if i can wait a year!
whoops! i meant to say that kambry is levi and courtney's daughter ... not levi and kendra's (ew!).
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