i finally did it. i finally opened my etsy shop. there are only a few items as it takes quite a bit of time to add items to an etsy account, but it's exciting to know that my product is out there. to check it out for yourself visit designsbyrhiannon.etsy.com.
this is my avatar (my thumbnail image on the etsy website).

again, the shop is not perfect as i am just now accquainting myself with it, and some of the images need to be resized, but for now, i am happy to have my work out there. please be sure to refer your friends and check back often as i will be uploading product here regularly.
if you have an etsy shop and would like to add any valuable suggestions for making my shop more successful, please, please, please feel free to do so.
i started a blog before under cordially invited, but i will be deleting the old and creating a new one for designs by rhiannon. thank you all for your encouragement! wish me luck and much success!! :)
***here's a sneak peak of what you will find on the site***

ok Rhiannon... since you appear to be the Google reader queen, you need to teach me the in's and outs... how did you "follow" me on my reader? and what for? how did you know i was on here? how does it work? hellllp me!! :)
ps - i love your stuff! i tried to find your etsy shop when you first posted this, but it didn't come up for some reason... haven't checked back though, i need to do that!
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