02 jun: day 03 of our vacation: the smokey mountains.
on tuesday we woke up, checked out of the hotel, and began heading east again. our plan was to walk some of the trails in the smokey mountains and visit some of the preserved cabins from the original settlers. there is also a large creek that travis and his family have pictures in, and dee wanted to make sure that we took pictures with me there as well. this is what our drive looked like as we headed further into the mountains.
the picture below is a little blurry because i snapped it as we were driving by
we got to a lookout point and tried to get a few pictures of ourselves with the view in the background ... it's awfully hard to play the role of subject and photographer! travis did a great job.

in one of the books at the hotel, i had read about the history of gatlinburg and several of the local attractions. one of the trails mentioned was grotto falls. the trail is supposed to bring you up behind a waterfall. the next few pictures are the beginning of our trek.
the area was very beautiful. it was warm, but not overly hot because of all the shade from the trees. the area by the creek felt even cooler.

alas, we didn't make it to grotto falls. it was almost a three mile walk, i was in flip flops, and honestly, we are out of shape. we still had the cabins that we wanted to visit, so we headed back before finishing the trail. 

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