harry potter and the half-blood prince.
on tuesday night (really wednesday morning) sierra, her friend jordan, and i set off for the 12:01 am premier of harry potter and the half-blood prince. travis was supposed to go with us, but changed his mind at the last minute as he was tired and had to work the next morning. wednesday afternoon, however, he was regreting his decision to not go. the movie was great. i am a huge fan of the books and have read each of them multiple times. the last two or three books i have probably read the least amount of times, and it has been a while since i last read them. there were things i had forgotten from the books in that time, so the movie was still a bit of a surprise to me. i didn't always know what was going to happen next. as far as books-to-movies experiences go, i think the harry potter series does a good job of staying as close to the books as possible. if everything was included there would have to be 2-3 movies per book! if you haven't seen it yet, you definitely should!
aaahhhhh i can't wait!! i'm seeing tomorrow - the wait is killing me!
ps - we must have the same taste, because i came across your blog layout online and ALMOST picked it, then realized why it looked so familiar! nice pick. ;)
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