
Friday, August 15, 2008


agh! i had an entire post written, and it just vanished! so, to begin again ...

a much needed update is in order!

as of today, travis, amelia and i are officially out of our old apartment and into our new places. amelia actually left for stillwater on tuesday night. travis and i were able to get most of our things moved last weekend and the last few items at the beginning of the week. yesterday we finished cleaning and moving the last few odds and ends. we still have much unpacking to do and decorating as well, but it's nice to be moved.

travis asked me our first night here, "so, do you like our new place?" i nodded that i did and then asked if he did. his response, "i feel like i'm home." it does feel nice and it's interesting to have our own place.

we have already had our first overnight guests. justin & lindsay came and spent the beginning of the week with us. unfortunately, we no longer have a guest bedroom, so their nice comfy bed turned into a pallet on the floor. they didn't seem to mind too much, and we all had a good time eating pizza and watching movies.

you are all invited to see our new place ... just give me a little bit of time to get a few more things unpacked and put away.

sorry for the hiatus.