
Monday, July 21, 2008

The Dark Knight.... MOST EXCELLENT!!!

So I've had some requests for THE DUDE'S opinion on the viewing of The Dark Knight. Well.... THE DUDE gives it one of the upmost excellent rankings this year yet!

10 STARS!!! **********

You got it.... 100% BADASS!!!!!!

Take that you dirty bastards who predicted the worst. First off, Christian Bale as the new Batman was probably the most far-fetched idea Hollywood ever had... but it more than worked. He has exceeded all expectations. Best Batman since Michael Keaton, quite possibly better.

Lets put it this way... I watched Transformers 4 times in theaters....... 2 times at the IMAX, 2 times regular. I liked the new Batman movie at least just as much. One question though, "Where does he get all those toys?" :)