
Thursday, December 30, 2010

goodbye tree.

travis and i took down our christmas tree today. the plan had originally been to leave it up through new year's day ... but unfortunately our lil guy got a little too dried out and droopy. neither of us can understand why it dried out so quickly because we never let it run out of water. i was sad to see the tree go, but the house looks a little nicer now. the needles were starting to fall all over the place, ornaments kept falling off the drooping branches, and the large, plastic storage bins had been brought in from the storage building yesterday and were just stacked up in the middle of the floor. it was all beginning to get to me. the house was a wreck! we still have our garland & lights up and our wreath on the door, and our living room feels really large right now because we still haven't moved the oversized chair back in here. it was moved to the guest bedroom/office to make room for the christmas tree. we'll bring it back out in a few days, but for now, i'm enjoying the cozy glow of the garland and our freshly vacuumed carpets.