
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

random thoughts.

01. i really don't know how i let so much time pass in between my posts.

02. for the first time in as long as i can remember, i finally know what people mean when they say they don't want to sit in front of a computer when they get home from work. i love being online, but lately when i get home from work, it's not that i don't want to ... i'm just so exhausted. i have an hour drive home from work, and i rarely get home before 7:00. then it's time for dinner, a show with my boys, and time to prepare for the next day.

03. i LOVE this time of year, but i really do feel like it is passing all too quickly. i've waited and waited for the christmas season and now it's at the end of this week!

04. holiday vacations were so much better when you were a kid (or a school teacher)

05. i love. love. love. seeing the apartment all decorated for christmas.

06. i bought a tree at the owasso christmas tree farm all by myself last week. travis and i had decided we weren't going to have a tree, but on the drive home i just couldn't bear the thought of that, so i stopped off at the tree farm, picked a beautiful tree, had the guys load it up on my car, and headed home. travis was in class and i didn't want it to get stolen off my car, so i drove around looking at all of the beautiful christmas lights. travis was surprised to find me at home with a tree, but he got it unloaded. while he was setting it up i went to target to get a stand for the tree. when i got home we got it placed into the stand ... and it.was.humongous. i actually don't think it's that big now, but when we first brought it in, travis kept making fun of me saying i would never be able to pick out a tree by myself again. haha. it made sure it was the right height when i purchased it, but i never thought about the width of it.

07. i never want to take our beautiful tree down.

08. the apartment is so warm and cozy and feels like a home now. we have all of the rooms fully furnished and set up. the office has a desk and bed (and an oversized leather chair for now, while the tree is in the living room). i even have pictures and artwork hung. we still need something for the walls in the dining room and a few finishing touches here and there, but all in all, i'm pretty happy with the way things look. if we have to be in an apartment right now, i'm glad it feels like home.

09. i've been in the mood to bake, but not to gain weight. i've put on another ten pounds since starting conocophillips. something i am not dealing with well. i'm afraid a diet and trainer are in order.

10. travis and i are addicted to smallville. travis started watching season one and somehow we were sucked in. we had never watched it before, so the beginning seemed like the perfect place. last night we started season eight! we've blown through the seasons so quickly ... well, travis has especially. i've watched most of the episodes, but he stays up at night after i'm in bed and watches them and he also watches them during the day on tuesdays and thursdays since he doesn't have any client visits those days.

11. i need to get back to work so i should cut this short. have a very merry christmas if i don't make it back on here before then.