
Sunday, November 30, 2008

thanksgiving 2008.

this weekend was spent with family and friends at mine and travis's parents' house. it was, of course, our first thanksgiving together as an engaged couple, and our first thanskgiving with lindsay. travis and i had lunch with travis's family first; justin and lindsay did the same with her family. we then all met up for thanksgiving at my parents' houses. we had a full house with all of the us + my aunt penny (always known as "nanny").

to copy jen's example, i want to mention the many things we have to be thankful for and leave you with other pictures of our thanksgiving celebration.

- our recent engagement and the excitement surrounding our future wedding and marriage
- each other
- real friendships
- we will add a new member to the family in the upcoming month
- families we love and adore
- wonderful relationships with friends who are like family to us
- our good health
- provisions for the day-to-day necessities of life

we hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving surrounded by those you love. we were thinking of you.