
Sunday, August 9, 2009

lazy sunday afternoon? not for us!

yesterday we didn't accomplish as much as we set out to do. instead of mowing lawns, we spent the afternoon with travis's family. travis wanted to wait until the evening when it was a little cooler to mow, but after the day passed, he decided he wanted a shower and a nap, so we headed to my parents'. after a shower, travis {mr. indecisive! yesterday} decided that he no longer wanted a shower, but instead wanted to go to the pool hall for a bit. we haven't spent much time up there at all the past two weeks or so. he, sierra, and i jumped in the car and headed there. we were there until closing. i spent most of the time reading harry potter while travis wasted no time getting his pool fix. i'm halfway through the fourth one {the goblet of fire}. i had forgotten how much i love them. we went straight to bed when we got home last night. i think we were both pretty worn out.

this morning we woke up, loaded up connor, and headed back to the lears'. we put connor and tedo in the backyard. i walked around and picked up all of the pinecones and sticks so that travis could get right to mowing. he took off his shirts and his flipflops! i couldn't believe that he mowed all day barefoot! i went inside to find some sunscreen since the last time he worked in his parents' yard he got a terrible burn {and now has so many freckles on his back, it no longer looks like his own!}

after i picked up the yard, there was nothing else travis wanted me to do, so i went inside to read harry potter a little more. he worked on the yard most of the day {his parents have a very large lot}.

after we were finished we headed back to my parents' house. travis again thought he wanted a nap, but this time after his shower, he decided to watch harry potter and the half blood prince. we were just lazy and cooled down for a bit.

i thought we would get to work on my parents' yard, but after the movie, travis wanted to get out of the house, so we headed to hastings for a bit. we caught up on the latest gossip, checked out a few books that we would like to read in the future ... and lost travis's wallet. he didn't realize it until we were walking out to the car. my mom had called us home for dinner. we quickly walked back inside to the aisle he had been perusing and hit up the magazine stand, but it wasn't there. i caught up with one of the managers, and luckily {thank you for small miracles!} the wallet had been handed in to the office.

we got home and had dinner with my parents. it was just the four of us as sierra had gone to her godmother's just today. she's getting in one last summer visit before the fall semester {of her sophomore year!} begins.

lindsay stopped by just as we were fixing our plates to pick up some pain meds for justin. he seems to be doing well, but is in a bit of pain right now. mom and dad had gone over earlier in the day to help bleed the brakes of his truck, since he isn't able to do anything like that right now.

the sun has set ... and the lawn here still isn't mowed and the mower {one different than we would use to mow the lawn} still is not intact. i suppose tomorrow is a new day ... with new excuses, like league! hopefully we'll get it taken care of by tuesday.

for now, i am going to head back to my book while travis and my mom pick out the pictures they are going to submit for the contest they are trying to win in billiards digest -- the chance to be featured as one of the top game rooms in the country.

hope that your week starts out wonderfully well! safe travels to jenny and tim {who should be making the long flight home from mongolia at this time}.


The Hurst Family said...

how does one bleed their brakes? and i can't believe travis mowed barefoot, that sounds so dangerous. i'm starting to sound more like brenda every day.

Jenny said...

aww, thanks friend - just now reading this :)

Rhiannon said...

bleeding one's brakes has to do with getting all of the air out of the lines when you replace the brake fluid in your car. i don't know the exact process, but that's the purpose. and i am still in shock that travis mowed barefoot!