
Wednesday, September 2, 2009


so lately i've been feeling extremely tired, all of the time. i never seem to be able to get enough sleep. when i am asleep, i. am. out. there is nothing waking me up or disturbing me. travis calls me in the mornings to wake me up ... he called three times yesterday and i never woke up. he was all the way to my bed by the time i woke up. normally the sound of the door wakes me.

monday i went to work for a client! woo hoo. oh wait. i should bring everyone up to speed. i no longer have my business partner. we had not met since june and getting her to meet with me was like pulling teeth ... or something even harder and more painful. we dissolved the partnership, and i am currently looking for a new name. if you have any suggestions, i would love to hear them. but back to the client. i got one company to sign three different contracts -- i'm on retainer with them to handle their client appreciation events; i've been hired to plan their company holiday party for their clients and associates; i've also been hired to design their christmas cards and to design and create their christmas baskets that they'll deliver as gifts! a lot of fun and exciting things. i met with 6 different people in the company on monday so that i could get right to work on tuesday when the contracts went into effect. it feels fabulous my dears! absolutely fabulous!

i realize that i still have a few loose ends to tie up with my ex-business-partner. for instance she still has a key to the mailbox. i never could get her to meet me face-to-face, so i ended up mailing her the dissolution paperwork.

also, the introduction of my online stationery boutique is drawing close! i can't wait to introduce the name and website to you. if you have any special requests for any designs, let me know, and i'll get started on them. i would love to showcase them in the store.

it's only 10:17 and already another nap under my desk sounds fabulous!