
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"where have you been?" -- san francisco

"where have you been?" you ask me. well, as usual, a lot has been going on lately. but not a lot that i really wanted to share. why? i don't really know. mostly because i'm embarrassed i guess. my friend kate tells me i'm being ridiculous {in a sweet and loving way of course}.

i suppose at some point, i'll want to remember this time in my life, thought i can't for the life of me imagine why, so i thought i better get to updating.

when i last left you, i was in san francisco, the city of my heart. and if you remember, it. was. glorious. glorious i tell you. i couldn't have gone on a better week. the weather was perfect. i had a bit of alone time, which is not something i ever want, but i found it relaxing. my interview went spectacularly. had i mentioned that i was there for an interview?

it really was a whirlwind process. i found out about the interview, booked a flight from tulsa to san fran at 5:00 pm, caught the plane at 8:00 pm and made it to SF at about 3:00 in the morning CST. i interviewed that afternoon at a little sidewalk cafe. i was interviewing for a position with mashable. their event director was looking for an assistant and i was the woman for the job. she's an oklahoma girl like myself {a sooner, actually ... i know that would make a few of my readers very proud} and had a sweet little yorkie that she brought to the interview with her {i love that city}. his name was louis and he reminded me so much of my sweet conor. upon meeting me she told me she was very impressed. the girl she had originally interviewed for the position had no corporate event planning experience, had never done any kind of sales or solicitation for sponsorships, had never done any kind of blogging, and would be an assistant in the truest sense of the word. she told me she absolutely wanted to hire me, but i was definitely not junior level as the first girl had been. she was going to rewrite the job description and get with the ceo and coo to see what we could do to make it happen. she told me the process would move very quickly. {at the time, she was gearing up for the social good summit in nyc with the 92nd y and the united nations foundation. very cool event}. needless to say, i was stoked.

i had to wait for the social good summit to wrap up ... it was a massive event ... before the director would be able to meet with the guys. she kept in good contact, though, and i still had a great feeling about the position.

at the end of last week, however, the director contacted me to let me know she would only be able to bring on a junior level assistant. i tried not to be, but i was devestated. if i could afford to take the junior level position, i absolutely would, just for the experience.
so, now i'm looking at the few pictures i snapped while i was there and wishing i was walking down the streets along the bay with a spiced chai tea latte on this beautiful fall day.