
Thursday, December 27, 2012

christmas morning at the lears' {and i don't mean travis's parents'}

after a late night of yummy food and fun card games, we all slept in a little later than usual.  travis and i were doing christmas with his family later in the morning, so we got up and around and started rousing everyone else.  i woke sierra, and she rallied mom and dad.  she had to leave by 10:00 {i had no idea} to get to arkansas to spend christmas with dakota and his family.

{pay no attention to the angel leaning at the top of our tree.  my dad brought it as a gift on christmas eve, but none of us, not even justin, could reach it well enough to place it -- plus the top needed to be trimmed for it to really fit well}.


the best christmas present of the year.  from my husband to me.

and i was so surprised to get this mixer from my mom and dad. 

travis also got me a pistol, and i got him a new razor and a helicopter.  the helicopter was his actual present ... but it was broken.  we tried to return it for a new one last night, but had to get our money back because there were no more helicopters.  i had taken so many pictures, had been so busy, and had been so sick, i really didn't snap a lot on christmas morning.  i just loved everyone being together.  i heard the song "all i want for christmas is you" while travis was out shopping on christmas eve, and it rang so true for me.  as long as i have my husband, our boys, and our families, i have everything i need.

after all the gifts were open we all had to get around to get to the lears' {and this time i am talking about travis's parents}.  i was still feeling pretty sick, so i kept my pajamas on, travis grabbed a quick shower and hopped back in his sweats, and we headed to muskogee.