
Thursday, December 27, 2012

christmas with the lear clan.

right before we headed to muskogee, travis remembered that tanner was at the lears'.  he's 3 1/2 and we were afraid he had been pining to open gifts all morning long.  when we got to the house we found out he had already been allowed to open a couple of gifts, so he was fine.

i think steve gets as excited about the gifts as the kids do.  he wanted to start passing everything out as soon as we walked in.  i didn't snap a lot of pictures, but did manage to get a few.

this year we got steve a remote control helicopter -- which is what also inspired me to get travis's helicopter. every time we went to the store, he always went and looked at the helicopters, even after we had purchased steve's gift.

travis couldn't wait for steve to get his gift.  as soon as steve got some of the paper off he started laughing.  he just kept chuckling the whole time he was opening it. 

i realized i never got a picture of travis and me in front of the tree on christmas eve, so i tried to capture a couple.  this is the best we could do.

i ended up falling asleep for a bit after presents were opened {i actually fell asleep sitting up at first}.  you fall asleep for a few minutes, and this is what happens ...

dinner was delicious and we somehow managed to all fit around the kitchen table -- dee, steve, amanda, zach, eric, marlena, david, travis, and me.  tanner watched dumbo in the living room while we ate.  {by the way, i had forgotten how sad dumbo is! i always loved the movie, but it's so very sad}.

we were at the lears' most of the day, but ended up heading home around 6:30.  we were supposed to have a white christmas and some places in oklahoma saw more snow than we did in tulsa.  david called to say they were having trouble on the roads, so we didn't want to chance it.

we had such a wonderful christmas {our first as an officially married couple} and are so blessed to have so many people in our lives to love.

merry christmas from our family to yours!