
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

02 jun to 04 jun: vacation

we were pretty tired by the time that we left the smokey mountains. in fact, the trip from the mountains back to lou's house is when i spent the most time asleep in the car. i couldn't keep my eyes open. when we got back that night, we stayed in with cyle and watched movies. wednesday and thursday we did much of the same. living with my family, we're not used to having any time to ourselves. (don't get me wrong. we appreciate all that our families do for us, and enjoy being around them, but their households are much louder than mine and travis's apartment ever was). it was nice to just relax in a quiet environment. we drove around and explored the town of oak ridge. one day we went to the bookstore, and i found a new series to read: hester browne's little lady agency series. it's definitely a guilty pleasure, and i enjoyed every moment of it.

the bookstore didn't have the first book in the series, so i started off with the second.

travis made fun of me because i read the book in about a day. i have always loved to read and it has been quite some time since i've really sat down and read anything that i really enjoy reading. when we got home from vacation, we immediately went and bought the first one

our bookstore didn't have the third book when we purchased this one, so travis ordered it for me on amazon. i blew through the first one, so i started on the second one again while waiting for the third one to arrive. when the third (and final, i think) book of the series came in, i didn't read it as quickly just because i knew when i was finished with it, i would have nothing else ... which is actually probably a good thing. when i have books like that, all i want to do is read them. i can't wait to find out what happens, and i feel like i am hanging out with old friends. now that i have finished all of the novels, i am getting more work finished again!


The Hurst Family said...

Ooh, can I borrow them next? :)