
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

date night with the loves {feb 2}.

oh the loves.  i miss the loves these days ...
over the past two or three weeks, travis's mouth has exploded.  it's terrible.  i feel awful for him because he's so miserable.  there's nothing i can do.  a week or two before he went to the dentist he ended up getting several painful lesions in his mouth, and they just seemed to get worse.  his wisdom teeth were also starting to bother him a lot.  he went into the dentist last week for a regular cleaning and i think that just made the problem worse.

in addition to everything going on at home, i feel like we've been completely disconnected from our friends the loves.  travis and matthew work together, but i haven't even been getting updates about them through travis because his mouth has been hurting so much, he hasn't felt much like talking at the office and only does so when he has to.

the saturday night before haley came to live with us, we had a fun date night with matthew & crystal {and as i'm typing this, i realize it's no wonder i miss them so much!  it's been over a month since we last saw them!!  there was a time when we would see them a couple of times a week, and at least several times a month.  now it's been almost a month and one week!}.
you know, now that i think about it, i couldn't tell you where we went to dinner.  i'm sure it was some place delicious, but i really just don't remember where.  interesting ...  that's one of the main reasons i keep this blog.  looking back, reading these stories, i can always remember the events crystal clear.  but if i don't capture them, they are kind of like dreams and have a way of escaping me. 

after dinner we did head over to red dirt saloon for a little pool {for the guys} and a little dancing {for the girls -- and once or twice with the guys}. 


i don't have any pics of matthew, but we just love the loves.   i'm off to get a new date on the books.
as far as travis's mouth goes, i'll keep you posted.