
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

memorial day weekend.

on friday lindsay headed out of town with her mom and brother to visit her grandparents in georgia. justin and travis decided on a guys' evening and spent most of the evening driving around and playing pool. when they were ready to head to the leaches' travis called me and asked if sierra and i were ready to go. we got to my brother's and sarah joined us. we all everyone jumped on halo. i stayed for a little bit, but i'm not coordinated enough to play the game and it gets terribly boring watching everyone play while i just sat there. i stayed for a bit, but then i headed home. connor has also had a terrible ear infection -- we have to give him antibiotics orally twice a day and then put drops in his ears once a day -- so i didn't want him to sleep alone while he wasn't feeling well. the last time we weren't home, he wouldn't sleep in his puppy bed; instead he curled up under the dining room curled up inside the four arms of a scooby doo stuffed dog. everyone else stayed the night with justin.

on friday night i was the most bored i've been in some time. i even texted a couple of close friends of mine that i understood the expression "bored to tears" because i was so bored i was on the verge of tearing up myself. i spent most of the day at the house working on collateral for the business, and texting travis. he and justin were still taking advantage of guy time. they ended up going to travis's parents' house for a little bit then back up to the pool hall where they asked me to meet them that evening. i didn't really have anyone to talk to while the guys were playing and honestly, the pool hall was just not the place for me that night. we stayed almost until closing time and then headed to justin's once more. this time sarah brought rock band for the xbox. it was a game that everyone could play, so i had a lot more fun. amanda and her boyfriend zach even came over and we all took turns playing the drums, guitar and bass and drinking beer. connnor had come over that night with us so he wouldn't be alone. justin's dogs were in the garage because they had been outdoors in the mud all day long. connor kept flipping out from time to time and was actually incredibly mellow to suddenly spastic. i was really beginning to get worried. we put in the newest 007 movie, but i didn't make it all the way through it. connor was ready for bed and i was tired of chasing him around the house, so we went to bed.

on sunday travis, justin, amanda, zach, and i headed to see the new star trek movie. even for non-trekkies, it's a great movie, and i'm looking forward to future releases. amanda and zach had just "celebrated" their eight month anniversary the day before and it was fun to hang out with them. travis and i keep saying that we're going to spend more time with them and really get to know zach. we both like him, and amanda really seems to as well. they're very well-suited for one another. i don't know if i've mentioned that they've moved into an apartment together. a very huge step for amanda! (huge for anyone but especially huge for her). right now the lease is just for 6 months, and i think it's a good start for them. we stayed the night with justin again, playing a little rock band, but mostly just relaxing.

monday, we really didn't do much of anything either. i made changes to the brochure that claudine, dan, and i had discussed on sunday night. justin and i went to the pool hall to clean. he and lindsay get paid to do so, but since she was gone and since he had been so sick, i headed up there to help him as well. it was a nightmare getting him awake. we called him 15 times between my mom, dad, and me. i went to his house and rang his doorbell for a solid two minutes, but he never answered. i then knocked on his bedroom window with no response ... so i had to brave the backyard. he has two great pyranese dogs -- layla and champ) and they were in the yard, covered in mud. i, of course, was wearing white bermuda sweat shorts. i managed to make it in the backdoor without becoming a human "paw painting." justin's backdoor leads straight into his bedroom; this finally did the trick. he had been feeling so sick and had also taken nyquil, so it was like trying to wake a hybernating bear.

it was a pretty normal day for mom and dad since they went ahead and opened the pool hall that night. last year they were closed on memorial day, but many of their customers were asking if they would be open this year. travis's mom fixed burgers later that night (and i think this is actually the night that we headed to see star trek. now that i think of it, i'm not sure what we did on sunday night. i think we ate dinner with my parents on sunday evening, and then headed to justin's to watch movies). after the movie, we headed to justin's to stay the night. he had been so sick and was afraid that he wouldn't wake up to his alarm for work, so we stayed with him.

the next morning, travis woke up and made sure that justin and i were both up. he then dropped me off at mom and dad's so that he could drive my car to tulsa. his truck has been messing up and he's afraid it's on it's last leg, or wheel as it were. i rode with my parents to the pool hall to get my dad's bike; they headed off for a spring ride and i took the truck back to the house so i would have a means of transportation to the post office to mail invitations we had done for our client. because of the holiday they were going out later than we had hoped, so i was frantically stamping the envelopes with sierra so i could drop them in first thing that morning. it felt good to have our first project wrapped up ... but also left me looking for more to do. i didn't do much else the rest of the day -- sierra and i went to sonic (where i had another horrible customer service experience) and then we headed back to the house for a lazy afternoon.

justin later texted to find out if we would like to have dinner with him. we were all pretty wiped out for some reason, so we picked up pizza, a couple of movies, and headed to his house. sarah didn't join us this time as she was helping ted install a floor at their house. we all headed to bed pretty early ... when i saw we, i mean everyone but me. i actually got a call from claudine late in the evening (after 10) and she needed me to make more changes to the brochure and then email it to kinkos right then so that we could pick up a few for the morning. i was so exhausted, but headed back to my mom and dad's to do so. it took a couple of hours, and by 1:30 i fell into bed.