
Monday, June 24, 2013

two celebrations and a loss.

things have been so busy lately.  i feel like our calendar is packed to the hilt.  we try not to double-up on holidays in my family, but we haven't been able to do so lately.  we had to team up dad's birthday and mother's day. this past weekend we teamed up my father's day and my birthday.

on sunday karen and dave came to spend the day with us in muskogee  mom and justin whipped up a great spread for everyone.  we started out with a great meal and lots of laughter.  everyone around my mom's dinner table will probably always be one of my favorite times.  this time we used the table as a buffet and ate in the living room, but after lunch we cleared the table and started playing games. 

we had a cherry birthday cake mom had made {it was delicious}. i got to hear plenty of "fire" jokes since my candle count is starting to get up there.

we had finished cake and were playing pictionary when we got the call.  we knew aunt francie had been put in the hospital on friday after suffering a massive stroke, and karen got a call during lunch that she wasn't doing well ... but as we were playing, she got the call that they had taken her off all the machines, and she had passed away very quickly.

i wasn't expecting that.  at all.  yes, i knew she was sick.  yes i knew the stroke wasn't good.  but death.  i wasn't expecting it.  i wasn't ready for it. she has been hospitalized before and pulled through {but i guess most of us have}.  i started crying and had to leave the table.  travis was already in the back den lying down so i was able to go straight in and just sit with him.  i told him what happened and he just held me and let me cry. 

karen started crying before i left the room, and the room got incredibly quiet.  justin and sierra don't really remember aunt francie, and haley of course has never met her.  mom and dad were both really sad, but karen i were the most visibly shaken.

once i got past the initial shock of her being gone, all i could think of was my cousins sonya and brad.  they are so close to their momma.  i dread the thought of losing my parents; they are both so young to be telling her goodbye.  i can't imagine what they must be going through. 

before i left the house, i was able to give my parents and karen and dave the picture that i posted of my dad and his siblings -- the one i had taken from my aunt francie's page just a week or so ago. 

i know i've asked for this a lot, but please continue to keep my family in your prayers -- and please specifically pray for my cousins sonya and brad and my uncle chester.