
Sunday, January 6, 2013

i love saturdays. part two.

yesterday was such an incredibly long day. i couldn't fit all our activities into one post.  i was wiped out after kettlebells {and had felt a little funny most of the day}, so i laid down for a few hours.  travis woke me up around 5:00 with enough time to get ready for a date night out with the loves.

we met matthew and krystal for the last weekend of winterfest.  i thought it would be fun to do something a little different and had suggested ice skating. we've never been to winterfest and thought we'd check it out.

travis and matthew had never been ice skating before, but it turns out they're pretty good at it.  travis especially. 

when we first got to winterfest i.was.starving. i couldn't wait for dinner, so i grabbed a hot dog.  we skated for a bit, watched them clean the ice and went a few rounds more, and then my toes were so frozen and travis's ankles were so sore, we decided to kick off our skates.  matthew and krystal went a few rounds more, and then we headed over to mcnellie's for dinner.

i had the potato leek soup and slowly started to thaw.  the boys were burning up.  apparently i'm the only one who stays cold 100% of the time in the winter.

we hit up the theater to watch lincoln.  great movie!  "lincoln is doing well in theaters.  historically that has not been the case."  <<-- ooh.  is that in poor taste??  it makes me laugh and i quote it whenever i can.  seriously, though, it is a really good movie and i'm glad we saw it.

by the time we got home, it felt like it had been the longest day ever -- but a really great one.  working out felt like it had been a completely different day.  we managed to pack our saturday completely full.  i'm a lucky, lucky girl that i'm such good friends with my husband.