
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

inspiration comes in all forms.

i am bummed that travis and i have been having so much fun lately, and i haven't been snagging a lot of pictures to capture the memories.  i've also had so many posts that i've wanted to write, and i just haven't had the time.  for those of you who follow me in your google reader or other feeds, i apologize that i sometimes have multiple posts in one day (assigned to different dates), but sometimes i just have to take advantage of whatever down time i get and capture as many memories/posts as possible.

i had a few minutes over lunch the other day and thought i would post a couple of images from my phone ... then i got busy ... so even though this post says january 23rd, it's actually being written and posted on the 28th.  =)

i don't keep a lot of stuff at my desk -- no lamps, pictures, etc.  {though, i'm going to try to change that this year}.  i decided i needed a little color in my life, something a little cheery, so i made these fantastic cover pages for all of my projects at work.  i carry all of my current projects around with me in these types of clear folders, so i can quickly provide updates, review information while traveling, etc.  i currently have so many, though, i needed to find a way to quickly identify them.

i also thought i would share a few things that i found inspirational that day.  and some that i shared with someone else who is going through a really tough time.

i hope this breathes a little inspiration into your day.